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Chishiya's eyebrows were furrowed as he watches banda smile down at sachi as they spoke in hush tones a few doors down the hall

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Chishiya's eyebrows were furrowed as he watches banda smile down at sachi as they spoke in hush tones a few doors down the hall.

It was his plan to let them know about enji being the jack and the possibility of him lying to banda to kill him off.

But it's still unsettling for him to see other people stare down at her like that.

Makes him feel jealous.

Not like he'll admit to that.

"What?" Sachi asked as soon

as she saw his blank face when she arrived.

"Nothing." He simply answered.

"So?" He immediately asked pertaining to her talk with banda.

Sachi only nods her head to say that it was a success, chishiya sneers knowing that this is definitely the last round.

And they're definitely winning.

Chishiya stares at her scheming smile, hands raising to caress her cheek.

"I really hate it when you talk to him." He mumbles.

Sachi chuckles at this but stopped when he slowly pulled her in, his head looming down onto her raised face, eyes staring at hers intently before meshing his lips unto hers softly.

She couldn't help but feel mushy as her fingers grabbed onto his white jacket.

It was so soft. It felt so passionate when they kissed slowly like this, just innocent lips meshing onto one another.

Hot breathes mixed as the tension between them grew heavier.

It's been a while since they've done it, the longing and tension within them can't be ignored any longer.

"Sachi." He simply calls out between their kisses.

She'll admit that hearing him call her name was definitely churning something within her everytime.

Sachi immediately pulled him into one of the confinement rooms, closing the door behind her.

As soon as she turned around, chishiya pushed her gently into the wall, connecting their lips once again.

It grew hotter as their kiss became more needing, tongues slipping against one another. The kiss becoming more sloppy.

Her fingers pulling him in by his jacket as his hands raked her body, pulling her leg up to pull her unbearably closer.

His lips left hers as it went to place wet kisses on Her collar bone and her exposed shoulders.

Their breathing became more ragged as they felt their hot skin against one another, needingly touching each other up.

His kisses traveled to the point of her shoulders before gently turning her around until her face hits the wall.

She breathes heavily as he kisses her exposed back softly, fingers grabbing her hair up.

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