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Halo!! Currently trying my best to finish the book without rushing the plot within the week, so expect incoming groups of chapters and as always. Im sorry for the wait!!! Thank you for supporting this book love ya!!


His tongue poked the inside of his cheeks, eyeing the girl infront of him, his annoyance becoming more visible. "You know you don't need to address anyone older than you, 'ni' right?" He mumbled as he swept her from her feet, literally.

She almost squealed in surprise as he placed her on the bed, helping her out of her pants.

"I know, that's why you and ryo are the only one i call ni.. you don't want me to call you that anymore?" She asked as he fumbled with her pants.

He stopped.

"I didn't say that" he simply answered before removing her pants.

He folded the pants nicely before placing it on the table. He grabbed one of his clean sweatpants before heading back to her and helping her wear it.

After doing so he kissed her forehead before walking to the door.

Sachi laid on her stomach, face leaning onto her palm she smiled at him. "You're not sleeping here?" She called out to him.

He stopped before turning his head back to her. "I have to plan—"

"And you can't do that while fucking me?"

"Depends. Do you like him?"

"Who exactly?" She feigned innocence.


"I don't call you daddy for no reason" she shrugged.

He sighed before a smile rose on his face.

He turned and headed to the door.

Locking it.

"You should've said that sooner" he mumbled out loud as he grabbed the belt attached to her pants earlier.

"Nah. You're rougher when you're jealous" she teased, scrunching her nose as she grinned at him.

He chuckled at her words before heading to her. "You're gonna regret this."

"Will i though?"

Just as chishiya was only a few feet away from her a loud knock was heard earning their attention.

Annoyed, chishiya clicked his tongue as he approached the door to see the next person that he'll be leaving to die at the game tomorrow.

Sachi sat up straight in curiosity and mostly in annoyance as she crossed her arms, a dangerous aura oozing off her.

Chishiya opened the door and a heavily breathing akiro was there trying to regain his breathe.

Sachi furrowed her eyebrows. What's got him in a rush..

She stood up walking to the door before standing beside chishiya who comforted-ly rubbed the boy's back.. rather harshly.

"What's wrong?" Sachi asked with furrowed eyebrows.

Heaving akiro mumbled, "i know it's your— fucking time of the day but— the militants are- gonna be Walking at the pool any second now." He said as he finally straighten up.

Chishiya rolled his eyes, "and?"

"Yeah I don't remember asking for a daily report of the militants' move" sachi joked but annoyance was heard in her voice.

"Yeah, but you asked to look after the newbies and they're currently hanging out at the pool"

Sachi's eyes widened, crossed arms falling to her side as she turned to open a wrapped lollipop before popping it inside her mouth.

"So what? It's not like they would go for the guy— do they swing that way now?" Chishiya asked still annoyed although he's trying his best to hide it.

"They'll go for the girl." Sachi murmured as she wore her her heels.

"Definitely. Aguni loves fresh meat" akiro said with a shiver.

Chishiya narrowed his eyes at her. A lot of newbies came and the militants would pick on them but sachi never made a move.. unless those girls were showing signs of being forced.

Sachi would never tolerate rape, that he knows off.

Sachi met his narrowed eyes, analyzing her.

"She has the yabuki protection. If something happens to her it'll be a big bite at my large ego. Not to mention roku." She explained.

It finally dawned on him. Roku did mention a girl. He was just to focused on arisu.

"Let's go" she called to the two as she rushed to the pool.

Seeing the pooling intimidating aura around her, per usual, the members of the beach respectfully moved out of her way making everything easier.

As they arrived unto the poolside, the area was weirdly quiet, the blaring music for once was gone and everyone was watching and circling over something.

Sachi clicked her tongue in annoyance at the scene as she unconsciously bit into the stick of her Lollipop.

"Hey boss, what should we do to him?"

"Break his legs so he'll die at the next game ."

She can hear the annoying chuckle of niragi making her sigh in annoyance.

"Oi! Bring the woman to aguni!"

The crowd parts as her clicking heels were heard across the eerie silence of the place.

"Lay a finger on those two and you lose an arm" she happily said with her intimidating voice as a sarcastic cat like smile was placed on her face.

The militants stopped, sweat forming on their body as they turned to look at her.

They would never dare to cross her.

She's like the protagonist of a movie who would escape every bullet you send them just to kill you brutally.

Arisu and usagi turned to her in surprise. "Boki?" Arisu mumbled.

"Aw is my poor little ryohei getting bullied?" She teased as she walked to him and niragi— who tensed at her oozing aura.

Arisu rolled his eyes annoyingly flustered and embarrassed by her words especially as she said it infront of usagi.

Stupid boki, now she'll think im usually getting bullied..

Sachi's eyes travelled to niragi as he face grew blank much to arisu's surprise.

"Neh, you're getting on my nerves every single fucking time that i see you" she muttered loudly for him and with each word her finger poked at him, making him step back terrified. "I swear I'll cut off your dick if you ever touch those two. Understand?" She whispered maniacally making him vigorously nod his head with a gulp.

Her head tilted to aguni who stood there with his stone, emotionless face. All his militants cowering behind him as they watch sachi talk to niragi.

Chishiya watched the show in silence with a smile, proud that he has the best person to be on his side.

And the best part. It's his girl.

Sachi craned her neck to aguni. "You know, i really hate meddling with your little rivalry with the executives and shit." She started.

She fully turned to him, rolling her neck to release tension. " But touch what's mine and I'll make sure you'll lose more than your arms." She chuckled. " Im honestly impressed you escaped when i bomb your headquarters— in the real world i mean" she said chuckling, amused as she saw his eyebrow twitch.

"But don't worry. Next time I'll make sure you wont escape" she said psychopathically with a smile that made him grew nervous as she turned away.

"What's going on here?"

lollipop • chishiya shuntarouWhere stories live. Discover now