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"wh-what are you saying?" the girl asked her, confusion written all over her face.

the guy, tied up and mouth taped, stared in confusion at sachi's words. even he won't believe what she was saying, but it made sense for him.

he was the first one to arrive earlier and he was sure that the highschool girl was alone on the floor with a gun a few feet away from her.

crouching to the floor sachi grabbed the gun, audibly loading it before she stood infront of her. the girl shrieked in horror, closing her eyes as her chest thumped loudly. " now let's see" sachi mumbled.

"a shot through the brain would be an easy death" she said with excitement filled eyes before swiftly crouching down shoving the gun to the  crying girl's forehead. " but we dont want no easy death right?" she whispered scaring the girl as she trailed the gun down until it reached her neck.

"this ones a good place right? you'd be spewing your own blood before you die" she said giggling.

"p-please stop" the girl cried out silently.

"uhuh. all you gotta do is look to the side for a yes ok?" sachi mouthed, her voice a very quiet whisper. for all she knows, the person behind these games could be watching. seeing the hidden camera's around.

her theory however was that, there is no way that there is only one person who runs this place and she is turning that theory into a fact tonight.

the girl, tremble as she subtly looked to the side. yes.

she knew she was soon going to die anyways.. why not let the truth out to one of the smart players.. maybe she could put an end to this nightmare.

"are you working for the person behind this games?" she whispered right to her face.

staring at the girl's eyes as she trembled, sachi smiled seeing her eyes dart to the side before facing upfront ones again. a yes.

ten minutes left before the game ends

with that sachi stood up before the other players flooded into the room once again after hearing the announcement.

seeing the players the poor guy started thrashing around fully knowing that he'd get killed if he was presented as the killer.

but his efforts were futile as the players headed to the first room. sachi looked at the girl infront of her before grabbing her arm and dragging her effortlessly down the hallway.

the girl, too tired and numb to even yell out in pain, just stared at the ceiling, fully accepting that this is how she was gonna die. her blood trailed the floor as sachi dragged her limped body.

entering the room everyone turned to look at sachi. " you could've just left her, she's dying anyways" the idiot one mumbled in annoyance.

staring past them sachi noticed the change inside the room. instead of one chair there were two now.

" players, as you can see. we now have two chairs. place the suspected people and vote who you think the killer is" 

"what? a new rule?" murmurs from the players were heard. 

"it's fine we already have our killer anyway. let's just place him and all vote for him" the guy said as he placed the thrashing guy down.

unbeknownst to all of them sachi continued to drag the girl into the other seat placing her gently. she was heartless and she knows that. but she couldn't help but feel a bit of remorse for the young girl.

"players please be known that if you place the vote on the wrong person, he or she will leave and you. will die"

the eerie announcement said.

the boy stopped thrashing at this. eyes darting to sachi as she stood there in her black tight dress and lollipop in her mouth.

the other players were relaxed fully knowing that they'll survive.

" players may now vote" 

with that, the players started to press the button on the chair where the guy sat, not noticing sachi pressing the button on the girl's chair.

a countdown resonated with the players waiting for the lasers to struck the guy's head.

" 3... 2.. 1"

in came seven layers. killing the seven players that voted for the guy. sachi looked at the lifeless girl in front of her, she was almost startled when a laser came down strucking trough the girl's head.

she turned to the players, looking through the pockets to see if there was actually cards that were found. and to her surprise there was one card.

7 of clubs.

"p-please help me" she turned to the tied up guy. 

he reminded her of someone.. 

without a second thought she quickly removed the last of the tape that hung on the side of her mouth before removing the rope around him.

without another word she left heading to the entrance to grab her reward. the 7 of hearts.

and with that she left to find her second game for the night.

lollipop • chishiya shuntarouWhere stories live. Discover now