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The door creaked open filling the room with a little more light as darkness surrounded it.

Chishiya almost jumped seeing sachi on the chair not asleep.

"Doll." He simply called out before walking right up to her standing figure with a small smile on his lips.

Proudly showing her the cards he was able to take.

He waited for her reaction..

"I knew you weren't sure about the password.. " She scoffs a little at him.

His smile dropped as he stared at her sarcastic smile.

Silence engulfed them.

She rose her eyebrow at his silence, his handsome blank face.

It never failed to make her inside churn and feel weird.

She scoffs when she realized that he's not going to speak.

"What? You couldn't have waited for me to know the password before you did your reckless stupid ...plan?" Something clicked inside her. "Wait.." she mumbled

Her eyebrows scrunched together as she slowly stood up.

"You... You had him caught on purpose, after he accepted to help you.." she said in disbelief.

The fact that he did that in purpose finally settled inside her.

And the look he gave her confirmed it.

He sighs. "look. I had to do it— "

"Had to?! I could have gotten that password for you then we could leave-"

"You were never leaving!" He shouted at her making her stop.

Her eyebrows scrunched. "What the fuck is that suppose to mean?!" She confusedly shouted.

"I know you.. you weren't planning to leave them to die here- you weren't that messed up-"

"Then you don't know me!"

He scoffs "tell me I'm wrong-"

"You are! I had a plan you stupid blonde!"

He grabs his hair in frustration, "look, i know you're not dumb to not understand how my actions are essential to get those cards-"

"Im not stupid!" She breathed out angrily.

"Im not saying that you are!"

"It's the same! How could you? You know they're under my protection- and yet you still dared.. is it because we fuck? You think I'll just let it slide?-"

Chishiya felt his stomach churn at her words as he frustratingly sighed out.

"It's not that! We needed these cards to get back.. I'm doing this for you! " He tried to convince her.

She shook her head in disbelief at him.

"No. You're doing this for yourself.. that's why you didn't care and gave someone else that role in your stupid plan!-"

Sachi stopped as if something dawned into her.

"That.. stupid role.." she slowly muttered as her eyes stared into nothingness.

Chishiya's eyebrows were furrowed at her silence, his heartbeat beating faster than before as he gulps. "Sachi?"

"That stupid role.. was mine" she whispers the last words in disbelief.

Her heart was clenching and his had already dropped down his stomach as he realized what she was saying.

He slowly shook his head as he stepped a step closer.

But her hands rose. "Don't. You- tell me I'm wrong.. please" she whispers softly as her face contorted into a hurtful expression.

A face only one who had been betrayed could make.

He swore his heart broke at the way a line of tears brimmed her eyes that looked up to him.

He shook his head at her knowing eyes, wanting to deny it but he knew she'd know if he lied

His face cringed in panic as it softened, it was painful to see her like this.

"You. You were planning to betray me to get those cards.. you were planning to use me..." She barely says in a whisper as a soundless cry came out her mouth, tears spilling painfully as she turned to pace the floor.

"Sachi it wasn't my intention -"

"Don't lie to me!" She frustratingly yelled.

She stood in front of him. "I. Trusted you- with all my heart, i let my walls fall down— Just for you" her finger jabbed on his chest making it all the more painful as his tears threatened to fall.

"I loved you.." she said barely a whisper.

His heart broke, he never thought she'd say that, he would've been happy if it wasn't for the way she said it. The hurt in her voice.

As if it was wrong to love him.

His hand rose, cupping her cheeks and she tried to brush it away frustratingly but he kept placing it back, holding her.

"Sachi- baby i-"

"Don't call me that." She sternly said. She knew she'd bent the moment he let his sweet words out.

She's grown weak for him. If she was like before he'd already be dead for what he did but.

"You reminded me why i had walls in the first place" she whispers before brushing his hands away.

She almost faltered seeing the tears that left his eyes.

She turned to leave but stopped when she felt both his hand grab hers and as she turned around she could feel her eyes falter as he kneeled in front of her, tears flowing down his cheeks as he seems panicked.

More like scared.

"Don't leave me Please. I made a mistake- i did plan on betraying you but i didn't know I'd fall for you like this, ok? I- this wasn't part of my plan- you weren't supposed to be part of my plan- but when you told me you'll leave me, you'll leave the beach- i was scared.." he breathed .

"I got scared I'll never see you again and i was hurt that you were leaving me- i promise i wasn't planning on doing that to you— i wanted kuina to take that role- you don't know how happy i was when arisu and usagi came- I'm sorry im sorry, don't leave me.." he frantically begged.

Sachi's heart clenched so much at his begging figure, how his face lacked that familiar smirk, and the tears that lined his eyes...

"Just stop.." she whispers as she shuts her eyes.

She pulled her hands away from his hold, practically turning away from him and out of the door.

A/N : thoughts?

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