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Sachi couldn't help but smirk in amusement as she walks beside chishiya, listening to his group talk.

"I think we should kill him next.." urumi's quiet voice rang out.

The two other members were sweating in nervousness as they shared a look.

Whilst ippei walked silently behind chishiya with a frantic nervous almost guilty look.

When urumi left sachi watched as the old man came to the two other members, telling them that they should eliminate urumi- smart to be honest.

And when the man left, the two nervous groupmates spoke in hush voices as they panicked on who they should actually follow.

But the two flinched horribly when sachi swung her arms over both their shoulders, ultimately placing herself between the two.

"Neh.. why not just lie to them both? That way no one will be left to tell you who to lie to.. right?" Her scheming voice rang out as she smiles.

The two stopped shaking as they took in her words immediately nodding in consideration.

"She's right.." the guy mumbled.

"Always am." Sachi said before she let go of them to catch up to chishiya and ippei who had a horrible look on his face.

It felt like time was passing by too quickly as sachi sat on chishiya's lap, eating her pepero as she amusingly watched urumi's cluelessness as they lied to her.

After her last bite on the snack the announcement came right on time.

"Let's go doll." Chishiya mumbles as his slender fingers grabbed her legs (holding the fabric of her dress to prevent it from slipping up) as she stood up from his lap.

The round immediately finished with urumi and the other guy dead.

Everyone as per usual, headed to the cafeteria area- banda and his little toy was somewhere else though.

"Hmm" sachi hummed with her scheming smile.

Chishiya who had just left his solitary room, followed where she was looking so curiously at.

He couldn't help but raise his eyebrows too.

It was the emo boy. He was all alone wandering the place again, with his head hanging down per usual.

Ever since banda met that girl, he spent a little less time with emo boy now. Only going back to him to tell him his symbol so he'd tell him his.

"You think he'd be jealous that banda's getting some?" Chishiya whispered to sachi as if he was saying the biggest gossip.

She gasped. "You think so?" She whispered back before they looked back at the emo guy again.

"Maybe, he wants him to share or something?.." he whispers.

She shook her head. "Nah, judging banda, he definitely want her all to himself- i mean, would you share me?"

He immediately shook his head.


"Shit. Ippei." Kento's voice rung out.

The round has just ended and sachi and chishiya had just left their confinement rooms.

They walked to kento to see what he was fussing about, only to see ippei's confinement room, all bloody.

Just a glance was enough to make sachi's stomach flip before she felt chishiya's hands on her eyes.

"You're too good for this world, ippei." She heard him mumble before he led her away immediately.

When his hand left her eyes she immediately latched onto his arm as they walked.

The disturbing feelinh she felt from the blood immediately left as she looked at chishiya who was silent.

"You okay?" She whispered after a few minutes of silence.

He simply nods at this.

Sachi sighs sadly, it's the first person at a game that he gave a damn about, and the person decided to kill himself.

"But. It looks like this is the last round now." Chishiya says as he stopped.

He's right.

There was only the three of us including kento, The couple and then banda, his toy and the emo kid.

Sachi smirked as she stretches her arms.

"Should we start now?"


The emo kid. Enji.

He walked to the isle where his usual snack was at.

"Hey, this one's more delicious you know?" Chishiya told him making him flinch.

But before enji could even ignore him he flinched yet again as sachi suddenly walked past him from behind.

"Tell me my symbol." She immediately told chishiya.

Her face was blank much to enji's confusion. He had the image that the two were lovers. He was sure they were.

Chishiya rolled his eyes in annoyance as she turned around.


"Spade." He lovingly said.

Enji's eyebrows rose a little in amusement and curiosity as he watched sachi give chishiya a kiss before leaving.

Chishiya turned back to enji's stunned face, raising his eyebrows as he sneered. " Could you tell me mine? She told me it's a diamond, but that kento kid told me it was spade so~." He said with a smile as he scratched his nape.

Enji pulled a hesitant look before he nods.

Chishiya turned around immediately at this.

Enji took a look.

It is diamond.

"Kento's right. It's spade." He said with a smile but when turned around he turned back into his timid self.

"Thank you man." Chishiya simply said full of appreciation before he left.

But then he stopped. "Oh. if that kento kid comes could you tell him he's actually hearts and not spade? It'll be weird if he realized i lied now right?" Chishiya sheepishly said.

Enji only nods to him.

As soon as chishiya was gone, sachi watched through the shelves as enji smiles schemingly to himself, almost laughing quietly in delight.

"This will be the last round. And i will win." He mutters crazily.

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