Chapter 10

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Ankita's P.O.V.

I began to feel a bit sleepy and closed my eyes but that was impossible since Ayaan, Pihu and some other people in the back was talking and chatting very loudly. It was very annoying and this journey was too long to take it on so I pushed my earphones into my ears and began playing some music. It was still no use though since their voices wasn't completely drowned out. I looked at Preeti apparently enjoying their chats and was giggling away. Taking the earphones out, I looked at her and asked, "Are you really listening to them?" She looked at me and said, "They are telling jokes. And they are funny." I rolled my eyes and said, "I am not interested in their jokes." "Hey. Relax a bit. We have a long way to go so let's make it a bit fun," she said. I sighed. I guess I was only annoyed with the fact that I had to work with Ayaan. He's not going to leave any chance in insulting me and making me look bad. I just know it. But I still won't let him take too much advantage of this. I will make sure too that he doesn't cross his limit with me. Because I will have no problem in showing him his place. I turned and looked at him over the seat. He was laughing and sticking to Pihu. I turned around and gritted my teeth. I went closer to Mr. Prakash who was sitting directly in front of me and said, "Sir, can you please tell those people to remain quiet for a while." "Relax Ankita. They are just having fun," he said and burst out in laugher at another joke. I leaned back in my seat and Preeti shook her head at me. I looked out the window at the rising sun. I stared into it. It was a healthy practice to do since the most energy comes from the sun as it is now rising. It's healthy for the eyes and Maa always did it. She encouraged me also to do it but I stopped since I began living with Dad. I didn't get the time to do it anymore. But going to Manali is going to bring back many memories since I spent eight years there with Maa. Maa passed away there and left her house in my name. I never returned since. But since I am going back, I will definitely go back and see the house. It's been fifteen years when I last saw it. I'm sure that it must be the same way. 

Preeti shook me a bit and broke my thoughts. "What happened? Where are you lost?" she asked. I smiled and shook my head. I looked back outside and realised that recalling my childhood in Manali was covering all the voices in the bus. The one thing I wanted since we left the school compound. The sun has completely come out and it was eight o' clock. The road began getting a bit busier with cars and motorcycles but we didn't stop. My phone began to ring and I answered it, "Hello?" "Ani, are you ok?" Rohan asked. "Yeah. I'm fine. Just a bit sleepy," I said. "Then take a nap," he said. "I wish. There is so much noise in the bus, even if I try, it won't happen," I said. "Ok. Just relax and close your eyes. And when you reach there, please call me. Don't just go to the house upon reaching. If you want to go anywhere, go in the morning," he said. "I will. Take care of yourself and Mom. Bye," I said and hang up. He knew me too well. He is the only one who knew about the house and my story from Manali. He knew everything about me besides the fact about how I felt for Ayaan in the past year. I guess I never had the courage to tell him this one truth about my life. "Who was that?" Preeti asked. "Rohan," I said putting my phone inside my bag. "He really can't do without you, can he?" she asked. I rolled my eyes and knew which direction she was going in and said, "Don't start." She turned her body to me and asked, "But why don't you think about it? He is perfect for you. Nobody knows you better than him." "He's only my best friend. And you know that he is going to get engage to Kavita soon," I said. Rolling her eyes, she said, "Kavita. What's so special about her? If not you, he could have at least give me a look." I shook my head and said, "You remain with Vicky. He's perfect for you." She twisted her face and said, "Eww! No!" "Why? He's perfect for you. Nobody knows you better than him," I teased her. She looked at me with a long face and said, "That's never going to happen. At least not in this life." "By the way, which team is he in?" I asked. "Yellow," she said. After a few more hours on the road, the bus was much more quiet and Preeti was even sleeping. I took out my diary and turned on a new page to write,

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