Chapter 49

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Ankita's P.O.V. 

Arrangements for our engagement and the finals of the competition were both in full swing and it was very stressful on my mind and body. At the end of the day at the camp, when Ayaan and I had a little free and private time, it all had to go towards our preparations for the engagement. With great difficulty we get a few moments out of our twenty-four hours in the day. But we only had less than that now since our engagement was tomorrow and the competition finals was tonight. There were excitement, nervousness, happiness and sorrow all mixed up in the air as everyone ran around to get a few final touches done. Ayaan had to practice the entire day, get costumes ready and I had to do the final works of the stage and decoration. At the back of my head, I also knew that our families must be going crazy with the arrangements for tomorrow.

Shanaya's P.O.V.

I sat on the bed in Mom's room, irritated and angry at what was going on. Everyone were busy in the preparation of that Ankita's engagement while no one was actually seeing my broken heart. Mom came to me and sat down asking, "What's wrong baby?" Looking at her gritting my teeth, I said, "What's wrong? Nothing! I am absolutely fine! What can possibly be wrong with me! Right!" "Shanaya, don't you trust your mother? I promised you Ayaan and I will see to it that you get him," she said. "What promise Mom? Get to your senses, their engagement is tomorrow!" I yelled frustrated. "Shanaya, get a hold of yourself. Don't worry. You will get exactly what you want. Do you really think that that low class girl can take what's yours?" Cupping my face, she said, "Ayaan is yours. He's only yours." I looked at her convinced and asked, "But how are you going to pull this off?" "You just wait and watch what I will do tomorrow," she said smirking. I knew very well that when she sounded this confident then she surely must have something in mind. My fear and frustration disappeared and I hugged her. 

Ankita's P.O.V. 

Evening fell on us and everyone were in their rooms getting ready. Passing by Ayaan's room, I happened to see him in his vest and his back turned to me. He looked at his suit on the bed and was in some thought. Smiling, I looked at the bouquet of roses in my hands and decided that I will place it at the chief guest's table later and went inside his room. "What's wrong?" I asked. Turning to me, he said, "Ankita, look at this suit. Isn't something missing? It's not appealing." I smiled at the velvet, navy blue jacket on the bed and knew exactly what it needed. Smiling, I said, "Before you go onto the stage, meet me. I will fix it." "Will you?" He asked smirking. I nodded. He stepped closer to me saying, "After a few days when you become my wife, will you still take care of my clothes and me like this?" "A few days? We still have a while," I said. "I am not going to wait that long. You will become mine in a few days," he said softly. "Mr. Malhotra," I said pressing my hand on his heart, "Keep your heart in control just for a few more months. When I graduate, get a job, then we will marry." He held onto the hand saying, "You don't have to make me wait that long. Let's get married secretly." I smiled at his desperate behaviour and said, "The fruit of patience is very sweet." Saying that, I tiptoed and kissed his cheek. His face reddened. "Keep this for the while being," I said and left. Going to the chief guest's table, I decorated the vase with the fresh roses and took away one. The competition finally started and all our family members were here. Princy went onto the stage with the microphone and spoke, "Good night everyone. Thank you for gracing us with your esteem presence here tonight. There is nothing better than encouraging our youths in becoming successful and you are here to support them, that's worthy of appreciation. I thank you once again. Before we start, I would like to call on someone extremely special and successful. Our chief guest and judge, the one and only, versatile and celebrity singer, Sonu Nigam!" 

I froze to my spot as he called the name and my heart raced. The man who I have listened to and seen only on radio and TV, my favourite singer, Sonu was the surprise guest and judge. Looking at him going onto the stage, my knees felt weak and I trembled. My heart was racing as everyone applauded his presence. He waved at everyone and smiled. Taking the mic, he spoke, "Firstly, I would thank the principal for calling me here. It's a great job what you all are doing here. Encouraging your youths to enter the beautiful world of music. I wish all the contestants all the best and may the best man win!" He proceeded to his seat and my eyes only moved along with him. "Ankita," someone called me. "Huh?" I answered staring at Sonu. "Ankita!" Came again and this time roughly. I came to my senses and looked at Ayaan. "What's wrong?" He asked. "History is repeating itself," I said dreamily looking at Sonu. "What?" He asked. Holding my hand, he pulled me away to a corner and asked, "What is wrong with you? Where are you lost?" "In Sonu," I said in a daze. He held my shoulders and shook me saying, "Come back to life." I pushed away his hands and pouted. "What is it?" I asked. "You said that before I go onto the stage to meet you. How are you going to improve this plain jacket?" He asked. I dropped my shoulders and from my back pocket, I took out the rose and showed it to him. "What?" He asked after some confused silence. I planted a kiss on the rose and placed it inside his jacket's pocket. It was prefect. Smiling, I said, "Perfect, my prince." He smiled. "Do you want to meet Sonu Nigam?" He asked. Looking at him excited, I nodded. "I promise you that I will arrange a private meeting with him for you," he said. "Really!" I exclaimed. He nodded. I hugged him in joy saying, "Thank you! I love you!" "I know," he said and wrapped his arms around me. 

Suddenly, coming to interrupt our moment, Pihu said, "Ayaan, Ankita, you will have ample time to romance. But who will attach his mic. He will have to go in a while." Still hugging each other, we both looked at her and said, "Don't worry. I am here." "Hurry up," she said and went away. Raising my head off his chest, I said looking up at him, "Go and win this competition baby." "Is that all you are going to do to wish me luck?" He asked. I pecked his lips quickly and shortly and said, "Rock the stage." Removing his arms from around me and raising them in the air, he exclaimed, "I am already a winner baby! Let's go!" He went away and I followed him back to everyone backstage. I attached his microphone and sent him onstage. Standing backstage with my fingers crossed and praying for him, he began his song. Before I could even start enjoying his singing, someone rested their hand on my shoulder and I turned around distracted, but to a wonderful surprise. Smiling, I exclaimed at a smiling face, "Rohan!" I jumped on him in excitement and hugged him tightly. Breaking away, I asked, "What are you doing here?" "You thought that you would get engaged without me and I wouldn't come to know?" He said folding his arms. "Of course not. It's just that everything happened so fast that I couldn't manage my time between these two events and everything just continued blocking my mind," I said hurriedly in one breath and stopped. I sighed and dropped my tensed shoulders. "But I'm genuinely happy that you are here. I'm so happy!" I said and hugged him once more. "I'm happy too," he said. "But, how did you find out? Ayaan..." I said but he stopped me saying, "Your stepmother called me." I frowned confused. What was she really up to? She is pretending in front of Ayaan's parents, that I know. She wants to break this relationship, I also know. But why did she call and inform Rohan? 

Bringing me out of my world, Rohan asked, "What are you thinking?" I gave him a fake smile and shook my head. "By the way, there is one more surprise for you," he said. "What are we waiting on?" I said. "One minute," he said and went out the tent. After a few seconds, he came back with his mother and girlfriend, Kavita. Overjoyed and even more surprised, I rushed and hugged both of them exclaiming, "Oh my God!" Breaking it, I looked at his mother whom I also called Mom and said, "I never imagined you surprising me like this." She cupped my face and said, "This smile is why I did it." "Thank you for coming. You have completed my family," I said. "Leave all that. Tell me, who's your choice?" She asked looking around. I smiled and directed her vision to the stage where Ayaan was rocking. Smiling, she said, "What a wonderful pair." She embraced me in happiness once more. "Ankita," I heard and turned around. Princy stood and looked at me saying, "You know the rules, right?" Nodding, I said, "Yes sir, I'm sorry." Turning back to them, I said, "You guys have to go. Actually, no one is allowed here. I will meet you after the competition." They understood and left. I was on top of the world with their arrival and the only thing needed to make me fly in happiness is Ayaan's victory. He finished the song and came off the stage, immediately hugging me. "You were awesome," I said. "Thank you," he replied. Everyone came rejoicing off the stage and Princy went. After a short speech and vote of thanks, he called back the contestants to announce the winner. Everyone held their hearts and the lights dimmed while the drum rolled to increase the tension. Princy opened the envelope with Sonu at his side as he announced the second runner-up and first runner-up, none being Ayaan. Both of the remaining contestants bent their heads and the air was getting hotter suddenly. "The winner is....Ayaan Veer Malhotra!" He exclaimed and confetti burst into the air as everyone comprehended and rejoiced. Clasping my hands, I said with tears, "Thank you God." 

Ayaan collected his trophy and raised it in the air. Taking the microphone, he spoke, "I have a long list of persons to thank for this becoming a reality. Firstly, my parents, who are here to support me tonight along with my entire family. My chorus singers for improving my singing and accompanying me to this victory. All the persons who helped with the stage, decorations, spot, everyone. And last but not the least, my companion. Who is not only going to be my patner for life, but who is going to share all my sorrow and happiness with me. The love of my life. Looking backstage at me, he made me blush as he said, "This was nowhere possible without you. Thank you." "I love you," I mouthed to him and everyone clapped. He came off the stage and hugged me tighter than ever. "I love you. Thank you for bringing success in my life," he whispered in my ear. I kissed his cheeks and broke the hug. "This victory doesn't belong only to me. But to everyone who made this Ayaan capable enough to give such a performance," he said to everyone. "Aww..." Preeti teased, "We accept that you couldn't have done it without any of us." Everyone burst out into laughter.


Hey guys! Hope you enjoyed that update! Here's your quote, 'Life gives you multiple warnings to enjoy every moment because death doesn't come with a warning.' Until we meet again, take care. Bye!

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