Chapter 56

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Ayaan's P.O.V. 

I was sitting by the pool area with Mr. Rajeev and he kept talking and talking. Nothing stayed with me besides the fact that I had finally found Ankita. It was my time to come through with my plan. Seeing her after so long made my mind falter a bit but I still haven't forgotten my goal of destroying her. "How do you know Ankita?" I asked in between Mr. Rajeev's rant. He stopped and looked at me. "She used to work a desk job in my company here in Goa. I caught her stealing and fired her from the job. That too, just a few days ago," he said. "You saw her stealing the money?" I asked. "Not exactly. But who else can it be?" He said. "Why only suspect her?" I asked. "Because my son saw her in the office late the night the money went missing. I knew that I should not have trusted her. One, she doesn't have an qualifications, two, no one knows anything about her, even her surname. But I felt pity for her and kept her," he said. "No qualifications? That means that she didn't go to school?" I asked. "For the most, she must have completed half of high school. I don't think that she has ever seen the face of a university," he said. This is my first step. As much information I can gather about Ankita, I will. This can help me understand what next she will do and who next she will deceive. "I have news for you," I said. "Yes sir," he said smiling excitedly. "You're no longer my sponsor," I said and got up. I was walking around the pool with him following me, begging for answers. "The person who can't respect a woman has nothing to do with me. You're dropped," I said. "Find one more sponsor," I said to Nikita, "And they will get special offers from me." "Yes sir," she said and I went back to my room. 

Ankita's P.O.V. 

After I received Charlie's page, I was going to meet him when I bounced into my ex boss. He began cursing and accusing me of stealing his money again and again while I stood and listened with my heart breaking. I had no courage to answer him back since it could land me in trouble with this new job and I need this job. Suddenly, the voice that spoke behind me shook me to the core. It was Ayaan's. Ayaan was right behind me and I froze. My mind had a million thoughts on turning around to look at him and speak to him but my past and last encounter with him didn't allow me to. Concluding that it's best that he doesn't know I am here, I remained put between him and Mr. Rajeev. But Mr. Rajeev pushed me away and while Charlie was taking me away, he came and span me around. With embarrassment, I dared not look into his eyes and he didn't utter a word. The air was tensed and I began sweating, controlling the urge to not raise my eyes and look at him. Charlie introduced us, completely unaware of the fact of us not only knowing each other but of how close we were. Ayaan walked away saying nothing and Charlie took me to his office. "Ankita, who was that? And why was he behaving like that?" Charlie asked. My heart was weak and my pain and memories with Ayaan came through my eyes as tears. I cried hard and painfully as Charlie consoled me silently. After a few minutes, I calmed myself down and Charlie asked, "Did you steal any money from that man?" His tone wasn't one of suspect but of concern. "No. I never learnt to steal in my life. I never did and I never will," I said. "Then, why didn't you answer him back?" He asked, "Are you that weak to take false accusations silently?" "I was afraid," I said. "Of what? Of him?" He asked. "I was afraid of losing this job also," I said. He sat on the chair next to me and held my hands. "Ankita, no one is going to fire you for defending yourself," he said, "Don't keep your innocence to yourself. Bring it out and show it to everyone. Prove it. I know that you are not weak. You are strong. Just let it show. Just remember one thing, people only take advantage of the vulnerable." 

His words gave me immense peace and strength. I looked at him and took a deep breath. "Thank you Charlie," I said. "I think you should take the rest of the day off," he said. "No. I'm fine. I already missed so much of working time. I will get back to work," I said. "Are you sure?" He asked. I slightly smiled and nodded. He opened the door for me and I stepped out. "Ankita," he said, "If you need me anytime, you have full permission to barge into my office. I promise that I will always be there for you." I smiled and left. I went to the locker room and washed my face. Looking at myself in the mirror, I made sure that I was ready not to break or fall weak in front of Ayaan. I promised myself that I will do everything to keep this job safe and will not disobey any of Ayaan's orders. Afterall, he is our guest and with all his hatred for me, I knew what was going to come. I was prepared. I could not back answer him, disobey him or give him any attitude. I will do my job to the best of my ability and keep it. "You have to do this Ankita. You will get through this," I said to my reflection. I went into the elevator and went back to complete my work on the second floor. Passing by the presidential suite didn't feel as it felt this morning. Knowing that it was Ayaan's room gave it a whole new feel. "I don't know anything. Just find a new sponsor. I am not working with a man that mistreats women," Ayaan's voice came loudly full of rage. "Ayaan, stop being unreasonable. How can we find another sponsor this quickly?" Aarav said. "I don't care. Find one or else, I will use Dad's company," he said. "Fine. I'll try," Aarav said. Not wanting to eavesdrop on their conversation, I walked along the corridor and completed my work for the first half of the day. 

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