Chapter 39

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Ankita's P.O.V.

Parting from Ayaan for breath, I joined my forehead with his and panted. "I missed you," he whispered. "I missed you too. A lot," I said. Walking back from me, he said, "I am going to talk to your Princy that I want you back as my spot." He was about to leave the room but I held back his hand saying, "No! Don't do that." He looked at me confused. "Don't you want to remain with me?" he asked. "It's not that. I want to but..." I said and bent my head. "What?" he asked. "Pihu is suspicious of us. She saw us going to the hotel yesterday and even saw when we came back. I don't want to give her any reason to complain to Princy about us. This can get both of us in trouble. You will automatically get disqualified from the competition and I will also have to leave," I said. "Pihu can't do anything," he said. "No, you won't tell Princy anything. I just want to finish this competition in peace. No trouble," I said. He dropped his shoulders and looked at me frowning. "Are you sure you want to do this?" he asked. I nodded. "Let's go outside," I said. "It's ok. I have some work to do. I'll do that and come back," he said. As he turned around, my grip on his wrist tightened asking him in a bit of fear, "Are you going to Pihu?" He shook his head and said, "I have to go to the town for something." "Then, let me come too," I said. "It's only to meet someone really quick and come back. You have your lunch here," he said. I nodded. He came back to me and kissed my forehead. Leaving the room, I went and did what I came in the room for in the first place and washed my hands to go and have lunch.

Ayaan's P.O.V.

I walked out of Ankita's room saying in my head, "I'll see about Pihu later. First, I have to take care of the next person trying to make their way between us." I left the camp, infuriated and gritting my teeth. Walking down the road, I went to the music shop and entered. Walking up to the counter, I looked at Ankita's Namu angrily. He smiled at me saying, "Hey buddy. Where's Anu?" I grabbed his collar, taking him by surprise and pulled him to lean over the counter. "Stay away from Ankita. She's off limits. I can see what you are trying to do. Don't think that you can come between us. Back off!" I warned him and pushed him back. "Woah! Calm down. I am not what you think I am," he said calmly. "You are exactly what I think you are. You see a beautiful girl and try to get close to her," I said gritting my teeth. "Calm down bro, I am not after Anu. We are just friends," he said. "What's going on here?" his father asked coming closer. I glared at him and said, "Explain to your son to not come around other people's girls. He will pay badly." With that, I left and stormed out the shop. I went back to the camp and looked at Ankita eating with everyone and giggling with Preeti. I won't let anyone come between us. No one at all! I went and sat next to her with a normal smile. "Where did you go?" she asked. "Playing wife already?" I asked. "Yes, now tell me," she said. "Nowhere. I just had to get something done. And it went smoothly," I said sighing and taking some food. She narrowed her eyes at me suspiciously but continued eating. After lunch, I went back to practice with half of my stress gone. I think I could practice very well now. Hanging my guitar around my neck, I strummed and sang to my heart's content. Before I knew it, evening fell on us and I went with my plate of dinner at the log Ankita used to sit on since I knew that she would come to meet me there. I just knew. Sitting and waiting, time was passing but there was no sign of her. I frowned and began to get impatient. I stood up and paced left to right. Not being able to wait again, I was about to go and meet her but I saw her finally coming. I was a bit irritated with her. I waited so long for her, hungry and cold and she didn't care the least.

As her face came into the light, she frowned at me as if she was disappointed. "Why are you annoyed? I'm the one supposed to be annoyed. Do you know how long...." I said but she cut me in between and asked sternly, "Where did you go today?" I frowned at her tone and question in surprise and said, "Ankita, I told you, I went to the town for some work." She folded her arms and asked, "Can you tell me what work did you go to do? And mind you, don't lie to me." "I...I...went" I said hesitant but she said, "Namit." I wasn't surprise that she knew because of her sudden change in behaviour, tone and questioning. I nodded. "Ayaan, how many times have I told you that Namit is only my childhood friend and nothing else!" she exclaimed frustrated. "You told me that he was your friend. Not your lover!" I yelled back. She looked at me in awe. "I have tried everything in my hands to explain this to you. I even spent a night with you just to prove that no one is in my heart but you! Then why this insecurity? Why did you go to Namit and speak to him in that manner?" she asked. "Wow!" I exclaimed sarcastically, "And you are asking me that? Like really?" "Don't turn this on me Ayaan, I didn't tell you to go and insult my friend like this," she said annoyed. "What I did, I have no regrets of it," I said turning away from her with my arms folded. "No, you will go and apologise to Namu," she said determined but I couldn't take it and turned around shouting, "Stop calling him Namu! His name is Namit. Call him Namit." "If I call him Namu or Namit, it should matter to you. He's my friend and you will apologise," she said. "No, I won't," I said determined. Turning to me, she said softly, "Fine. Then, don't expect me to talk to you either." "Then don't talk. Go!" I said. "Fine," she said, "I'm going. And don't come behind me." "Don't worry. I won't," I said. I heard her footsteps getting softer and softer and I turned to see her shadow disappearing. I dropped my shoulders and immediately regretted everything I just said to her. As much as I know her, she isn't going to listen to anything I have to say until she gets what she want. Sitting back on the log, I buried my face in my palms and thought, "Who can help me?"

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