Chapter 63

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Ankita's P.O.V. 

"So, Ayaan," Nana said taking off his glare from me, "Tell me, who do you live with? Who's in your family?" "There is Mom and Dad, my both uncles, aunts, cousin, grandmother," he said. "Joint family?" Nana asked. "Yes," he said. "We thought that you live alone. Last year, in the news they said that you had some conflict with your family and moved out," Nani said. "That was all fake news. I love my family more than anything else in this world," he said. "And, are you dating anyone?" Priya asked. I froze and looked at him. "I was, until she betrayed me," he said sternly. My face turned pale. "Oh. So sad, she doesn't know what she lost," Priya said. I took my glass of water with trembling hands and sipped on it. I suddenly began feeling anxious that he would tell them everything. My heart raced and I felt sick. "I'm done. Excuse me," I said getting up with my plate. "Ankita, you haven't even eaten a proper mouthful. Are you ok? Don't you like the food?" Nani asked. "No Nani. I'm full. Excuse me," I said. I left the table and took my plate to the kitchen. There, I rested it and was going to the small porch at the back but Nana insisted that I sat with them at the table. I went back to my seat and Priya looked at me with a worried frown. Through her signs, she asked if I was ok and I nodded. I bent my head and played with my fingers under the table. "What has gotten into you? Are you feeling sick?" Nani asked. "I'm ok, seriously," I said. "Are you sure?" Ayaan asked. Without looking at him, I nodded. My phone began ringing and I answered it, "Yes, Charlie." "Ankita, I'm so sorry. I won't be able to make it tonight. Actually, there are some guests coming at the hotel and I have to remain for their welcome," he said. "It's ok. I'll see you tomorrow," I said. "I'm sorry once more," he said. "It's ok Charlie. I understand," I said. "Bye," he said. I hung up. "What happened?" Nani asked. "Charlie said that he won't be able to make it," I said. "Disappointed?" Ayaan asked me. I looked at him to see him smirking and said, "A bit." Everyone completed their dinner and were sitting around the small table with all the candles in the hall. 

"Ayaan," Nana said, "I have one wish." "What is that uncle?" He asked. "I really want you to sing a romantic song for us. Look, the candles are creating such a romantic atmosphere. Let's not waste it. If you don't mind, can you sing a song?" He asked. "Of course I can uncle. Anything for you all," he said, "My guitar is in the car, I'll get it." "Ankita, go with him," Nana said. I got up and went with him to his car. "Why are you here?" I asked as he took his guitar out of the car. "Why? Is this your house? I am here to visit one of my fans," he said. "Then, why are you behaving like this?" I asked. "How am I behaving? And how should I behave?" He asked raising his shoulders. "Ayaan, you exactly know what you are doing. It's your plan to ruin my relationship with these people, isn't it?" I said. "The people that you claim to have a relationship with, do they even know anything about you? Your real name, your background, your past, do they know anything?" He asked grabbing onto my arm harshly and gritting his teeth annoyed. "Ayaan, you're hurting me, stop it," I said. He let go of my hand and said, "Stop deceiving these people. In fact, stop betraying everyone Ankita. Stop it." "I don't need you to tell me about my life," I said and stormed back inside. "Where's Ayaan?" Nana asked. He came behind me and I went and sat on the sofa. Ayaan sat down and began adjusting his strings. "I have one problem," he said. "What is that?" Nana asked. "The song is a duet and I need a female voice," he said. "Ankita is a decent singer," Priya said. "No, I don't want to sing," I said. "Oh come on. What has gotten into you? Why are you acting like a spoilsport? Come on, sing with him," Nani said. "Ankita," Nana said, "Do it for me." I gave in when Nana requested and nodded. "Great!" Priya exclaimed. "I'll get some water by the time," I said and went to the kitchen. As I was pouring out the water, Ayaan began whistling the beginning of the song and I immediately knew where this was going to get at. He strummed the guitar as I forgot everything else and went back to sit down. He began singing while fixing his eyes steady on me...

'...Jo bhi kasmein khaayi thi humne (Whatever vows we had taken)
Waada kiya tha jo milke (The promises we made together)
Tune hi jeevan mein laaya tha mere savera (You had brought morning into my life)
Kya tumhe yaad hai (Do you remember?)...'

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