Chapter 8

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Ankita's P.O.V.

I was crying in the bathroom when someone entered and I quickly stopped and wiped away my tears. I turned my head to the opposite direction so that they don't see my face. The person went into one of the bathroom stalls and I opened the pipe and began splashing water on my face. The toilet flushed and the person came out. She went to the sink next to me and asked, "Are you alright?" I nodded and took some tissue. I wiped the water off my face and left the washroom. While walking along the corridor, I bent my head and was wiping my eyes when I bounced into someone and mashed their foot. I immediately apologised and looked at him. He gritted his teeth looking at me. "If you don't know how to walk, then learn to stay at home!" he annoyed. Looking down at his shoes, he said, "Mashed my shoes again!" "I'm sorry," I said softly. He looked at me surprised and asked, "What did you say?" I bent my head and said again, "I admit that this time it's my fault so I am saying sorry. I'm sorry." "'s good that you know it's your fault," he said looking at me. I wasn't in any mood to argue with him so I walked away, leaving him standing right there. I went to Princy's office and knocked on the door. "Come in," he said. I opened the door and slowly went inside. I stood in front of him dejected and bent my head. "Sir, I'm not feeling too well. Can I please go home?" I asked. I didn't raise my eyes to see his face and I heard, "Did you finish all your work?" "Yes sir," I said. "Then you can go," he said. I turned to leave when he stopped me, "Ankita!" I turned back. "Sit down. I want to talk to you," he said. I quietly sat down and looked at my lap. "I know that you must be feeling bad for your demotion. But I don't want the other students to think that I favor anyone. I had to do it. So that everyone else learn a lesson from it," he said calmly. "I understand sir," I said softly. "But I can make an exception for you. You don't deserve the position of a spot one time. You can be the junior manager of the concert," he said. "I'm ok sir. I accept my punishment. You don't need to do this," I said. He looked at me in silence. "I'll take your leave now sir," I said and left. I walked out of the office and took a deep breath.

I need a cup of tea. I called Rohan and he answered the phone. "I am waiting for you at our tea stall. Come and meet me," I said. "Ok, I'll be there," he said. I hang up. I went and waited for him there. The owner came and offered me a cup of tea but I said, "When Rohan comes, bring it." "I have been noticing you for years ma'am. You never drink tea by yourself. You always drink it with someone." I nodded and said, "It's a habit. I can't drink tea by myself. Even if I have to drink it with my biggest enemy, I will. But never by myself." He went back to his pot. Rohan came after some time and looked at me. "Bhopu, our usual," he said to the tea seller. Looking at me, he asked, "What happened? Why are you so stressed?" "Princy removed me from the manager position of the concert," I said with a huge frown. "What! Why?" he asked. I sighed and said, "Ayaan Veer Malhotra." He dropped his shoulders and said, "He's taking revenge for what you did to him that night, isn't he?" I nodded. "Ani, you need to raise your voice for once! Speak up against him! He started it that night!" he said. "And you think I didn't tell Princy that? He doesn't want to listen," I said. Bhopu came back with our hot tea. "What are you going to do now?" he asked. "I have been demoted to a spot," I said. He looked at me in disbelief and exclaimed, "Spot!" I nodded. He side hugged me and pulled me closer to him. I rested my head on his shoulder. "Do you want me to talk to your Princy?" he asked. "No," I said. "I can try and convince him," he said. "No Ro, I am going to do it anyways. I already spoke to him and he is offering me the position of a junior manager but I declined. I accept the position of the spot. I just needed to vent," I said. He caressed my arm as we sipped on the piping hot tea. "Shall we go now?" he asked. I nodded and we got up. After paying the tea seller, we began walking along the road.

Ayaan's P.O.V.

I was waiting in the school's auditorium, waiting for the announcement of the finalists going to the concert in Manali. I was overexcited to hear my name call. The judge went on the stage and began talking, "Before I call out the participants who will be coming to Manali with us, I just want to say that everyone here is a winner. You all are very talented and if it were in my hands, I would have selected all of you. I would also like to say thank you for participating and whether you get selected from here today or not, just remember that you are always a winner. Now for the names." My heartbeat fastened and I crossed my fingers in anticipation. He opened an envelope and took out a paper. "Vinod Mehta, Shweta Tiwari, Karishma Raghu," he started and continued calling names until I heard, "Ayaan Malhotra." And that was it! My heart almost skipped a beat. It was so surreal that I got chosen. A grin came to my face and I waited for him to complete his list. As he finished, some of the faces looked beyond happy and some looked disappointed and defeated and began leaving. Looking at all the finalists, the judge spoke, "First of all, I want to congratulate all of you for making it through to the next level of the competition which will be held in Manali!" "Yayy!" everyone cheered excited. "Now I want to explain to you some things that you have to be familiar with. This competition is not only a competition but also a bonding and socializing event. That's why, we divide the sixteen of you into four groups of four. You will be known by your groups' colour which are, red, blue, yellow and green. Once we reach Manali, you will be placed in your groups and each one of you will have a spot or assistant. They will be rotated to different person every few days until the finals. Every week, one person from each group will be eliminated so that's four in total after each performance. I know, it's very tough. But you have to give your best in it. The only one way to remain in this competition is giving the best performance every time you step on that stage. If you get eliminated, it means that you haven't given your best. Understood?" he said.

"Yes sir!" we all replied. "Good," he said with a smile, "I won't take much of your time so that you guys can go and celebrate. So thanks for coming and see you all in one week!" Everyone got up and began leaving. I also followed and as I stepped out of the auditorium, I met the Principal of the school. "Ahh! Ayaan, tell me. Did you get selected?" he asked. "I did sir," I said. He smiled and said, "Very good! I am very happy that you will be participating further. Just give your best and you can win anything." "Thank you sir," I said with a smile. "I'll see you later," he said. I nodded and looked at him walking off. I was leaving the compound very satisfied when my phone rang and looking at the screen, I saw Aarav's name flashing. I smiled and answered saying, "Hey brother!" "You sound happy so that means..." he said and stopped for me to complete. "Is it possible that I don't get selected?" I said reaching my car. I leaned against it and smiled. "Yes! Congratulations! I'm so happy for you little brother!" he shouted, "Wait until I tell Urvi aunty!" "Wait! Don't tell her anything. I will surprise everyone," I said. "As you wish," he said. "Just gather everyone in the hall, I will be there in a short while," I said. "Yes boss!" he said. I smiled and hang up. Mom is going to be so proud of me. I only hope Dad understands and allows me to go. I sat in my car and quickly drove home. As I entered the house, I saw everyone in the hall looking worried. I'm sure they must be wondering why I called them here. I walked up to them with a frown and stood there with a long face. Mom came to me and asked, "Why did you call all of us here? Is everything alright?" I turned my back to them so that they don't see my face when I say, "I am leaving the house." There was silence. "What?" Mom whispered behind my back. I frowned and looked at her. "I am leaving Mom," I said. "Why?" she asked. "I have fallen in love Mom. And I can't stay with you all now. I must be with her," I said. "What nonsense! You have fallen in love with some girl and you are leaving your family for her! And you didn't find it important to consult with us first?" Dad scolded me. 

I bent my head and smiled amused. Looking at me, he shook his head saying, "Look at him! He is smiling!" I burst out in laughter along with Aarav leaving all of them confused. Dad looked at me with a hint of annoyance and remained quiet. "I'm sorry everyone. I was only joking with you guys to some extent," I said in between my giggles. "What do you mean?" Mom asked. I went and sat on the couch and hugging a pillow, I sighed and said, "I will be leaving but not for any girl." "So this means that you are really leaving the house?" Mom asked afraid. I stood up and held her shoulders saying, "Only for two weeks. I have to go Manali." "For what?" Dad asked sternly. "Uncle, Ayaan got selected for a music competition in Manali!" Aarav exclaimed. Mom looked at me with a smile but Dad frowned. Mom cupped my face and said happily, "Congratulations son. I am very happy for you." Dad however, left from there without saying anything. I knew that he won't be so proud of me entering this career field since he has his own business and expect me to take it over but I loved music. Mom frowned at me and said, "Don't worry about Dad, I'll talk to him." I planted a kiss on her forehead and my aunts and uncles came and congratulated me. As I was walking to my room, I heard from inside Neeti's room her saying, "Of course we will hang out tonight. I'll be there. Done." She hang up the phone seeing me coming into the room and smiled. "Hey," she said. I laid on her bed and asked, "Who were you talking to?" She smiled and came and sat next to me saying, "The girl who is crazy about you." I knew exactly who she was referring to and rolled my eyes saying, "Pihu!" "Yes. She said that she met you a while ago in her college," she said. "Really?" I said uninterested. "Mm hmm and she also said that you made her Principal remove the manager of the concert and appoint her," she continued. I frowned. "Yes I did but that was not because I like her or anything. I did that for my revenge on that girl," I said. She smirked at me and before she could say anything, I said, "Don't assume things. The girl I took revenge from was the same one who spoilt your designer dress and threw threw the bucket of water on me." She frowned immediately and said, "Serves her right." I laid on her bed and smirked at the thought of how heartbroken she must be to get demoted from a manager straight to a spot.


Hey guys! Hope you enjoyed that update! Please vote and comment! Also share my story! Until next time! Bye! 

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