Chapter 52

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Ankita's P.O.V. 

I sat and looked at the TV in what once was a stranger city to me. Everytime I see him, I feel even more proud of myself that I love him. And he loved me. Taking my phone, I got his picture with him holding his latest award and posted it on one of the hundreds of fan pages he had which I operated. My Ayaan was now Rockstar AVM. Getting up, I went to the window with my cup of ritual tea and smiled in happiness as I looked at the waves of the ocean smashing against the shore. In the last three years, little have made me happy since that unfortunate night always haunted my life. Being away from Ayaan and everyone else was so hard but I knew that I had to endure it for their happiness. And everytime I see Ayaan, now famous singer and rockstar AVM touching the heights of success, I get my dose of happiness. "Ankita," a voice called me and turning around, I smiled and sat next to her. "Can I change the channel now?" She asked. "Of course. Who stopped you all the time?" I asked. She glared at me. "Ok, I'm sorry. I just wanted to see someone," I said. "AVM?" she asked. "No, Sonu Nigam!" I said. She turned off the TV and said, "I think it's very late. We should go to sleep. Besides, Rohan must be waiting for you. You know that he refuses to sleep without you." I nodded and looked at her going into the room. Priya, Dr. Priya Iyer, my shared tenant in this apartment and my new best friend. If she hadn't brought me out of my depression, I would have still been in the same state I was in when I first reached Goa three years ago. I went to my room and looked at Rohan sleeping on my bed. Rohan is Priya's five year old son. Ever since I met him, we have formed a bond and he always insist that I sleep with him every night. Laying next to him, I took two sleeping pills and hugged his small body and looked at the ceiling. Every night I have to take sleeping pills to fall asleep. Despite this also, I wake up in the middle of the night because of one nightmare which I see repeatedly. That night, Ayaan leaving me and I losing everyone and everything. I never had one proper night's sleep in the past years. Slowly, the medication began taking effect and my eyes closed.

Ayaan's P.O.V. 

Tonight was just another night, another award, another party. In the last three years, I have gained a gigantic success in the world of music and have won mutiple awards and done endless concerts. I have millions of fans and a great following. Sitting at home in the party my family organised for my next step in success, I sipped spirits at the bar. Aarav came to me and held a glass. "Bro, this is your party and you are sitting here alone? Come on, enjoy," he said. I frowned and looked at my trophy. "What are you thinking?" He asked. "I am tasting success but it's not intoxicating. It's not fun," I said. "Then, what can make it?" He asked. "Ankita," I said, "Her tears, her pain, her destruction." "Come on Ayaan. Whose name are you taking on such an occasion," he said frowning. "No, you don't know. But I do. She must be somewhere, happy and living her life. And I can't be there to destroy it," I said, "Do you know how that feels?" I got up and stumbled every step of the way to my room. Locking the door to ease the music playing, I took out my phone and looked at her picture. "Look at where I am today. See, I am at the top. But where are you? Where are you Ankita? I have searched everywhere for you. I have kept so many people to find you all of them turned out useless. Listen, I know that you are alive. Come before me so that I can see you. And destroy you. Come out Ankita," I said and dropped on my bed. 

Ankita's P.O.V. 

I was sitting and having breakfast with Priya and Rohan while the radio was playing. "Yes friends, you heard right, Rockstar AVM is planning a voted concert to a most beautiful destination in India. You can vote for AVM to perform in your city. All you have to do is..." the radio jockey announced but Priya cut his voice off by turning off the radio. "Come on Rohan, time to go," she said taking her hand bag. Rohan came to me and hugged me. Kissing my cheek, he asked, "Ankita, will you pick me up this afternoon?" "Of course. Once I get some time off, I will pick you up and guess what, you and I will go to Nana and Nani's house," I said. Looking at Priya, I said, "I have some rent money for them. You can join us there after work." She smiled and nodded. "Bye," they said waving to me. I sighed and took out my phone to see the time. I had some time before my shift started so I was eating slowly. Taking up back my phone, I looked at my created and operated fan page of Ayaan. "At least we are connected through some means. I know that you must still be hating me. As strong as your love was, your hatred must be the same strength. I have no problem with it though. Because I know that it is this I deserve after the betrayal I gave you," I said to his picture, "No matter what happens, I still and will always love you. You've always been my hero." I washed the dishes, locked the house and went to my workplace. I got a work at an office with a low paying desk job but I was satisfied. It was enough to pay my rent and buy some necessities. Walking in, the boss stood and looked at me angrily. "Welcome," he said sarcastically, "Please come in." I walked slowly to him and looked around with a frown. "You know, when you first came here, I pitied you and gave you a job thinking that you were helpless. You have zero qualifications. Absolutely none. You dropped out of school, didn't graduate, still, I gave you a job. But you proved, that you sort of people only take advantage of other's niceness," he said. 

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