Chapter 33

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Ankita's P.O.V. 

While sitting and knowing each other, we found out many things about each other and our families. Ayaan's life sounded like a fairytale. Even I was dying to join his family one day. Looking at the time, he said to me, "It's already quite late, we should be getting back for practice. And tonight is also the second round of the competition." Smiling, I said, "You are going to win in any case." "That I am," he said standing up. He walked to Sandu and paid him and we left. "By the way, I hope that you remember your promise," he said. I sighed and looked at him. "Of course I do," I said. He smiled and hugged me from the side as we walked back to the camp. Reaching outside, I moved away from him and he dropped his shoulders looking at me. "Why don't you want anyone to know?" I frowned and said, "Not right now. And besides, if Preeti finds out, I don't want her to misunderstand either of us." He frowned at me guilty. "I still feel terrible about what I did to her," he said turning his back to me. I went up to him and rested my hand on his back. "Ayaan, I can understand what you are going through. But you have to move on now. Preeti is also doing fine," I said trying to make him feel better. He smiled and turned back to me. "What will I ever do without you?" He said. "Shall we go in?" I asked. He nodded and we went inside. Standing together, we listened to Princy's usual morning talk. "I hope that you all realise that this time has become a bit harder than last time only because it has less contestants. But we assure you that you all will be judged with the highest level of fairness and you will get to go forward if you really try hard for it," he said. I looked at Ayaan with a smile listening attentively. Looking back at Princy, he announced, "Get to practice and do your best!" Ayaan led the way and everyone on his team followed. Sitting on the stage, he said, "Guys, we have to do even better than last time because the competition has gotten tougher. But you guys will always remain on the winning team. Shall we start?" Everyone went on the stage and Ayaan remained looking at me. Using two of his fingers, he pointed both his eyes and then pointed me. Shaking my head, I went and sat down. He took his guitar and looked at me. Winking at me, he began strumming the guitar and singing. 

I sat and looked at him with his eyes slowly closing and watched as he lost himself in his music. It gave me a different sense of comfort to hear him sing and his music was soothing to the soul. Anyone can listen to his music and get rid of their pain. I felt proud of myself. This guy was mine. He loved me. This thought made my heart rate increase as I lost myself in him. As he finished the song, he opened his eyes and looked at me. Turning around, he began to give some instructions to his chorus singers and Preeti came and sat next to me. "Hey, I need your help," she said. I frowned and looked at Ayaan busy and said, "With what?" Holding my hand, she said, "Come with me." "But Preeti..." I started off but she pulled me away. I became worried about my promise to Ayaan. "I need your expertise for these floral arrangements," she said. With half of my attention in her and half on Ayaan, I said, "But that is Pihu's job, isn't it?" I kept turning around to try and see Ayaan but she held my hand and said, "Ankita, pay attention to me." I turned to her and nodded with my face pale in worry. "I am thinking that...." she started but I said to her, "I'm sorry, I am very busy. I have to go back." As I turned around to leave, she held back my hand and said, "Don't make excuses. I know that you were only sitting and listening. You are not any busy." Looking back, I spotted Ayaan coming and looking around. "I'm really very busy," I said and ran away from her. Running to Ayaan, I stopped in front of him and panted for breath. "Where were you?" He asked, "I told you that you have to remain in front of me and you left me?" "Ayaan, I'm sorry. Actually, Preeti wanted me to help with something," I said. "Why? Doesn't she have anyone else to help her? You are my only spot," he said annoyed. "Ayaan, calm down. I am back with you, right? Come, let's go," I said. "It's ok. We are going to purchase our costumes for tonight," he said. "Costumes! Great, I'll come too," I said excited. "No," he said sternly, "We can manage." 

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