Chapter 69

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Ayaan's P.O.V. 

The next few days were all about me sneaking out of the hospital and back in to be with Ankita. According to the doctor, she was recovering fast and if this continues, she will be able to go home soon. I found out that it was indeed a nurse that issued the pictures to the reporters and had her temporarily suspended until Ankita leaves the hospital. We also made the rest of staff sign a confidential contract. I just want to do everything to keep Ankita away from stress. As I sat and looked at her giggling and chatting with Rohan and Preeti, I realised how much I missed her in the past three years. I realise that I never hated her. My anger just overshadowed my love for her. I know that I have to cherish her now, for the rest of my life. I have to give her her best life. "And do you remember when she threw up on the stage?" Preeti said laughing. I got a phone call from an unknown number and left the room to talk. "Hello," I said answering. "AVM," Charlie said, "It's me." "Yes, tell me," I said. "I umm...I am in Manali and I wanted to know which hospital Ankita was in," he said. "Red Cross hospital," I said. "Thank you," he said and hung up. I sighed and looked at Ankita through the window. If Charlie comes here and confesses his feelings for her, will she accept him? Afterall, he stood by her when I gave her a hard time. I frowned, not insecure but fearful and nervous of losing her. I went back into the room and faked a smile. Ankita looked at me with a worried look but continued smiling for her friends. I sat on the sofa and played with my phone, thinking about what will happen if Charlie comes. "Look at the time, I think, we should get going otherwise the entire evening will go in old memories. Shall we?" Rohan said. Preeti hugged Ankita and they left. 

"Ayaan," Ankita said breaking my train of thoughts. "Yes," I said looking at her. "What's wrong? Why are you so worried?" She asked. I dropped my shoulders, smiling and said, "I'm not worried. Nothing is wrong. Everything is ok." "Liar! I know when you are worried. Tell me, what happened? Who called you?" She asked. "Nothing at all..." I said but was interrupted but someone knocking on the door. Charlie stood there with a huge smile and a bouquet of flowers in his hands. "Hello AVM," he said. I nodded. "Ankita," he said going to her, "These are for you. How are you feeling?" "Much better," she said. He sat on the stool beside her bed and lovingly held her hand. This made me uncomfortable and I didn't want to say anything bad so I excused myself. 

Ankita's P.O.V. 

Since Ayaan attended to the phone call, he seemed lost and upset. I tried getting it out of him but he refused to tell me. In that time, Charlie came, much to my surprise and Ayaan left. As he held my hand, I felt a bit uncomfortable and hesitantly removed it from his. "How are you?" He asked. "I'm good. Everyone is taking good care of me," I said. "Does this AVM still trouble you?" He asked. "No. He's taking the best care of me," I said smiling. "Ankita," he said lowering his head, "There is something that I have to tell you." "Sure, go ahead," I said. He looked up at me and said, "I have hidden something from you. I thought that when the right time comes, I will tell you the truth but all of this occurred and I couldn't tell you." "What is it?" I asked. "Ankita, I love you," he said shocking me, "Ever since I first saw you, I have loved you." I was speechless. From the window, I saw Ayaan walking away with his head bowed. I'm sure he heard. "I know that you love me too. I saw it in your eyes. If you need time to tell me, I will give you. But you need to know that you're the only woman I love," he said. I recognised the sincere feelings he had but I couldn't reciprocate them. "Charlie," I said frowning, "There is something that I have hidden from you as well." He looked at me silently. "I love Ayaan," I said. He looked at me with his face turning pale. "After all that he did to you?" He said. I shook my head saying, "Even before what he did to me." "Ankita," he said holding onto my hand, "Ayaan is a superstar. Every girl dreams of being with him. That's just normal. But dreaming of being with him isn't going to get you him." "You don't understand," I said, "I have loved Ayaan even before he became AVM. Every girl loves AVM, I love Ayaan. My Ayaan." "Wait, what do you mean?" He asked confused.

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