Chapter 29

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Ankita's P.O.V. 

Ayaan hovered over me, distracting me from my work. But I couldn't allow myself to be distracted for too long. Slowly, he bent closer to me and stared at me intensely. He held the pen between my teeth and took it out of my mouth. "Ayaan, what are you...." I started but he placed a finger on my lips saying, "Shhh..." I looked at him coming closer and closer to me while I began bending back. His hand cupped my face and his eyes didn't once leave mine. From my cheek, his hand slowly moved down and touched my neck, sending a chill down my spine. I trembled with his touch and my eyes slowly closed down. When I realised that he wasn't doing anything, I opened my eyes and looked at him, holding a small strip of paper in front me. "It was stuck in your hair," he said softly. My face reddened at the thoughts that went through my mind a while ago. He stood up and threw the paper aside. Looking around like normal, he swung his arms back and forth and was very casual. This is it! I stood up and scolded him, "What do you think of yourself? How can you act as if nothing happened last night? How can you take this so casually?" He stood and looked at me with a smirk. "Wow! And you are amused!" I said. Taking a step away from me, he held up his arms and said, "Listen, I am ready to accept a relationship with you. But you only want to remain friends with me. I admit that we had a moment last night, so what? Should I announce it to everyone that I want to date you and you don't?" "I am not saying that. All I am saying is that we are friends. Then why are you ignoring me since morning?" I said. "Exactly, we are just friends. You are acting as if you are my girlfriend," he said. "But I am!..." I yelled but then realised what I said. He smiled at me and asked, "Are you?" I closed my agape mouth and said lowering my eyes, "I mean, I deserve some attention right? I am your friend. Girl-friend. Your friend who is a girl." Oh God what am I saying! Looking at him, I said frustrated, "Listen, just get out of here and go rehearse so that I can do my work a well." 

"Ok," he said stepping back towards the door, "Bye." Looking behind him, suddenly Princy came and Ayaan without knowing, bounced into him and turned around. "Ayaan, what are you doing here?" He asked. He turned and looked at me with his face filled with fear. Turning back to him, he said, " to meet you." "Yes, tell me," Princy said. "I...I...actually sir, umm we were planning a bar-b-que tonight and we need your permission..." he said. "Bar-b-que! That's wonderful! Of course," Princy said smiling. "Thank you sir," Ayaan said, "Sir, you also join us." "Sure, I would love to," he said. "Thank you sir," Ayaan said. Princy came into the office and Ayaan stood at the door. Looking at me with a smirk, he winked at me and left. Princy stood looking at all the incomplete work and said, "Ankita, you haven't finished this as yet?" "I will finish it sir," I said and got back to work. He sat behind his desk and I hurried to finish the task. 

Ayaan's P.O.V.

After meeting Ankita and having some fun with her, I felt much better and got back my energy. I went back to the stage and announced, "Guys! We are having a bar-b-que tonight!" "Really!" Preeti exclaimed, "I love bar-b-ques!" But then she frowned and said, "But Ankita won't come." I frowned and asked, "Why?" "Ankita hates these sort of things," she said. Smiling, I said, "I am going to bring her." Taking up my guitar, I began practicing with my returned energy and excitement for tonight. Three o' clock quickly approached and practice for the day was completed. Everyone went to rest as they got the message of tonight's plan. As I was going to my room, passing outside Princy's office, I bounced into Ankita and I smiled. "Hi best friend!" I said. She frowned at me angrily. Trying to escape through the right, I blocked her and she then attempted to go from the left but the same happened. She dropped her shoulders and looked at me. "What do you want?" she asked. "Your company," I said. "What?" she asked. "Tonight, as you may know, we are organising a bar-b-que," I said and began to walk around her, "So you have to accompany me." "Keep dreaming! Ask Pihu!" she said annoyed and was about to walk off when I held her hand. She turned back shyly and said, "Ayaan, what are you doing? We are outside Princy's office." "Promise that you will come and I will let go," I said. Looking about for anyone who might see but I wasn't going to give in. "Ok, fine!" she said and I immediately released her hand asking excitedly, "Really?" She hugged a file and bent her head nodding. I grinned in happiness and I jumped up like a child saying, "Great!" Looking at me taken aback, I composed myself and said, "I am going to see off Mom and Dad at the airport. I'll see you later." As I turned around, she asked, stopping me, "Are they leaving already?" I frowned a bit and said, "Dad has to go back to Mumbai for his business. Even I wish they could stay longer." I walked away and went to my room. Dropping my guitar there, I left the camp to go and meet them.

I reached the hotel to see them outside, by the taxi. I ran up to them, panting for breath. "Mom, Dad, I'm here," I said. Mom came and cupped my face. I smiled and looked at her as she wiped the sweat off my forehead. I kissed her hairline and hugged her. "Come on, we'll get late," I said opening the door for her. Going up to Dad, he held my shoulder with a smile. I sat in the front as they both sat in the backseat and we were off to the airport. "What are you going to do to win Ankita's heart?" Mom asked. "Nothing," I said. "Nothing!" Dad exclaimed, "You are just going to let your love go away?" "Of course not Dad. I am going to do nothing so that Ankita does something," I said. I turned and looked at the smirk on his face. "This is so true. The more you run behind someone, they will run away from you. But as soon as you stop, they start pursuing you," he said. I nodded and looked ahead. We reached the airport and after some of Mom's emotional and Dad's hurried goodbyes, they went inside and I looked at them from outside. Sitting back into the taxi, I looked at the time and it was half four. I went to the market and bought some stuff for the bar-b-que tonight and went back to the camp. Reaching there, I was surprised by everyone working together to get around the campfire ready for the programme. I carried all the stuff to the kitchen and gave the cooks. They opened it and looked at what it contained. I went back outside and looked around. Ankita was helping in hanging lanterns and I saw Preeti, who was holding the ladder, left for some other work. I went and stood at the bottom, holding the ladder sturdy so that she doesn't fall and if she does, she falls in my arms. Without looking at me, she stretched her hand down and said, "Preeti, give me another lantern." I looked around and found one on the ground. Picking it up, I handed it to her but as her hand held onto it, I held her hand. She looked down at me as I bent my neck backwards and looked up at her and her face changed expressions to surprise. My smile couldn't leave my face as I admired her for her simple and natural beauty.

She slowly began climbing down the ladder and as she rested her foot on the last step, she slipped and began falling back but I was quick enough and held her. Looking at her eyes shut in fear, I was falling in love with her all over again. Gradually, she opened her eyes and looked at me. Her face turned red and she stood up quickly. "Be careful. I won't always be there to hold you, best friend," I said teasing her. "Are you offended that I asked to only be your friend?" she asked with a frown. My amusement disappeared at her question and I said to her, "Ankita, I was only joking. I never felt offended by you ever since I had fallen in love with you. I know why you want to be sure that my feelings are true before you start a relationship with me. And I respect that. But just know that if it takes me my life to prove that my love for you is as pure as your soul, I will wait. I am telling the truth." She had tears in her eyes by the time I was finished and I cupped her face. Wiping away her tears with my finger, she cuffed my chest asking, "Couldn't you say this before? I was so worried that you misunderstood me or was offended." I smiled and looked at her face in my palms. "Sorry," I said. She smiled in between her tears and to my amazement, wrapped her arms around me. This was the first time she was hugging me! How do I react? Should I hug her back? Or not? Think! But before I could make up my mind, she broke the hug and looked at me. Bending her head blushing, she said, "Sorry." I was dumbfounded. I only tilted my head, unable to say anything. She smiled and left me standing there, with my eyes opened to the biggest and frozen to that spot. Someone began shaking me and I heard my name calling. "Ayaan!" Mr. Prakash said bring me out of my zone. Looking at me with a chuckle, he asked, "Where are you lost?" Shaking my head, I said, "Nowhere. I am here." With that, I left and went to my room. Sitting on my bed, I felt like a teenager just getting his first hug from his crush or holding her hand for the first time. I smiled and bent my head, hating to admit that I was blushing because of a hug.

"Oh God Ankita! When will you confess that you love me! This feeling is killing me!" I said laying back on my bed with my heart racing in excitement. I sighed and smiled. "Ayaan!" I heard and immediately got up seeing Ankita at the door. I stood up and straightened out my clothes and passed my hand through my hair to neaten it. "What are you doing here? Everyone is gathering around the fire!" She said. Nodding, I said, "I came for my guitar." She held onto my hand and said, "Come on." Looking at her unable to believe her antics towards me, we left the room while she grabbed my guitar on the way out. 


Hey guys! Hope you enjoyed that update! And here's your quote, 'Love is like a contagious infection, it spreads like crazy between people sometimes unknown to it. And when you get it, there is no vaccine which can cure it. Your heart becomes the doctor and a smile becomes the relief. Yes, that's love! The most wanted disease.' After this quote, I have nothing to say to you. Until we meet again, bye and take care!

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