Chapter 26

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Ayaan's P.O.V.

I left the camp with Mom and Dad, determined to speak to them both about my feelings. While sitting in the car, I smiled and Mom said behind me, "That is such a sweet girl." My smile began to get wider hearing their praises for Ankita. I sighed and we reached the hotel they were staying in. Entering the hotel, I asked, "How long are you here for?" "We are going back tomorrow afternoon," Dad said looking at his phone. Mom frowned disappointed. I knew that she wanted to remain longer. "You only study your business. What your wife wants, you really don't care, don't you?" she taunted him. He turned to her and dropped his shoulders. "See this is not fair. I brought you for your happiness and now you are telling me off," he said. She smiled and said, "Then, put away the phone and let's spend some family time." He looked at me and I raised both my hands in the air and shook my head telling him that I am not meddling. He sighed and had to listen to her. "So wifey, where do you want to go?" he asked. "Shopping!" she said. "Of course," he said. I smiled and we left the building. Walking through the town, I wanted to spend as much time as I could have with them so we entered every single store. All of us had bags in our hands but Mom and I couldn't seem to stop shopping. Dad only tagged along as he didn't have a choice. Every time he took out his phone, Mom glared at him and he pushed it back in his pocket. I noticed Ankita and Preeti sitting at the tea stall with their backs facing me. I smiled as I looked at the little glimpses I got of Ankita's face. Dad came and followed my sight and asked, "Are you only going to stand here and look at her?" I looked at him embarrassed of being caught. "Dad, what are you saying?" I asked bending my head. Before he could say anything else, Mom carried us into another shop. I was impatient to just leave the shop so that I can see Ankita once more but it seemed as if my luck was good. Ankita and Preeti came directly outside the store we were in and were buying scarfs.

I couldn't help but to steal glances at her and hoped that she didn't leave before we left the store so that I could meet her. Mom brought all her stuff to me and I quickly cashed it and left them inside. I met Ankita outside and asked, "What are you doing here?" Mom and Dad came and I suddenly became shy to talk to Ankita. Preeti got Pihu's call and left but I badly wanted to spend time with Ankita. I wanted her to shop with us but without talking to Mom and Dad, I didn't want to give her too much hopes since I didn't know if this was really love. We went into another shop on the other side of the road and looking outside, I saw her outside buying cotton candy. A thought came to my mind. Was she following me? I hid behind some items and looked at her looking into the shop. Mom came to me and said, "Let's go." I nodded and as we left the store, she turned her back to us and stood at the side of the road. I smiled. "I'm hungry," Dad said. "There's a cafe nearby, let's go there," I said. If Ankita comes to the cafe, I will know for sure if she was pursuing us or not. Sitting in the cafe, I had my eyes fixed on the entrance and finally she came inside making my heart jump for joy. I smiled overjoyed that my suspicion could be true. She sat at a little distance from us and held the menu over her face. I looked at Mom and Dad and said, "Guys, I need to talk to you." "Tell me," Mom said. I began to get a bit nervous to say this to them. "Actually, I want to ask you something?" I said. "Then ask," Mom said. I sighed and looked at Ankita. "What is love?" I asked. I looked at them for their expressions and they were shocked and amused. "Son, I know what love is for a woman. What is love for a man, you have to ask your Dad about that," Mom said. I looked at Dad and he said, "Son, love for a man is when a girl becomes so special all of a sudden that you can't stop thinking about her. You look for excuses to be around her all the time. And going away from her is like living in hell. You feel insecure when she is with someone else or worried when she isn't in front of your for a long time."

"Are you sure?" I asked. "Do you feel like this for someone?" he asked. I raised my eyes and looked at Ankita speaking to the waiter. I nodded. Suddenly, they grabbed onto my hand and smiled overjoyed. "Oh my God! Are you serious? You are in love!" Mom exclaimed but I told her to hush, "Mom! She's right here! Don't talk too hard." "Really! Where?" she asked looking around excited. I slowly pointed at Ankita and she looked at me with tears in her eyes. "Do you want us to meet her parents for your marriage?" she asked. "Mom! No! I have to confess my feelings first. And besides, I don't even know how she feels about me," I said. "Then go and find out!" Dad said encouraging me. I dropped my shoulders still unsure about this and said, "I still don't know if this is love. I mean, love can be different for many, right?" He rolled his eyes at me and said, "Son, love is the same for every man." I felt proud of myself inside. I was in love with Ankita! It has to be true! No girl has ever made me feel like this before. She makes me worry. She makes me restless. She makes me happy. What else can be love? And hearing confirmation from my Dad who has loved my Mom for so many years, it has to be true. "I am too excited. I am going to have a daughter-in-law!" Mom said. I frowned and looked at her. "Mom, I haven't even confessed my love and you are thinking about after our marriage?" I said. Her face dropped a little and she held my hand. "Ayaan, tell me the truth, is this another one of your pass time girls?" she asked. I held her hand and said, "I don't think so Mom," I said. "In the future, are you ever planning on leaving her?" she asked. I shook my head. "She's a beautiful girl and has a pure soul, I can say that for sure. Keep her close to you," she said. I smiled and kissed her knuckles. "Do you want me to do anything so that you can propose to her?" Dad asked. Shaking my head and fixing my eyes on her, I said, "No Dad, I have everything planned already." "Really! So why did you ask us?" he said dropping his shoulders. "I just needed confirmation of what I am feeling is love," I said.

He held my shoulder and said, "You got confirmation now, right? Don't waste time. I am telling you from experience that wasting time in love could lead to bad things. Look at me, I had to marry your mother by deceit." Mom smiled and I nodded. "I love you guys," I said. "Shall we go?" Dad said. I nodded and we got up. I took up all my bags, leaving behind one on purpose. This was my excuse to come back in the cafe to meet Ankita. We left the cafe but as we were about to sit in the car, I pretended, "Oh no!" "What happened?" Dad asked. "I forgot one of my bags in the cafe. I'll go and get it. You guys can leave," I said. "No, it's ok. We'll wait for you," he said. "No Dad, besides, I have to go back to the camp now. It's getting late. I'll meet you guys tomorrow morning for breakfast," I said. Mom came and said, "Let him go, no?" She winked at me and I smiled. "Ok, then I'll see you tomorrow," I said and ran back to the cafe. I looked at Ankita and saw her sitting with her arms folded and a frown on her face. I smiled and went up to her. Immediately, she took up the menu and called the waiter. Looking at it nervously, she called a number and I looked at the menu card which was at the seat opposite her. She ordered black coffee. This means that she had to be following me. I looked at her with a smile. "Are you sure that you want this?" I asked. "Yes, why wouldn't I want it?" she asked, "And what are you doing back here? Where are your parents?" "They took the taxi back to the hotel. I left one of my bags here so I came back for it," I said sitting opposite her. "Why are you sitting here?" she asked. "I can't?" I asked. "No!" she said abruptly. A smirk appeared on my face. "I mean, it's a public place. You can sit wherever you like," she nervously said. "Exactly," I said. "By the way, what are you doing here?" I asked. She looked at me with a frown "I...I..." she stammered. "You...I got that part. Continue," I teased her. The waiter brought back her order and placed it in front of her. She quickly took it up and took a mouthful however couldn't swallow it.

It must be bitter! Without thinking, she spat it back out in the cup and looked at the waiter angrily. "Don't blame him. He brought the same thing you ordered," I said to her. She frowned and said, "Me! I will order black coffee!" I nodded. I pointed to the menu card and she looked at it. In her nervousness, she ordered black coffee. She looked at him embarrassed. God, she's so adorable! I stood up and looked at her frowning, "I'll see you tonight." With that, I left chuckling and shaking my head. I went back to the camp and went to my room with all my shopping bags. There was a knock on my door and I turned around saying, "Come in." Pihu came inside and said, "Ayaan, what is this? Your chorus singers are saying that you didn't practice with them all day long?" "I know. I'm sorry. Actually my parents came all of a sudden and I spent the entire day with them," I said. "Wow!" she said, "Is Neeti here too?" I shook my head. "Oh," she said, "Anyways, you missed your session today so I have no choice but to make you practice extra for the time lost." "That's ok. Tell Ankita as well," I said. "Why will I tell her?" she asked. "She's my assistant. She must know too, right?" I said. "Ayaan, she's not your assistant. She's your spot," she said. I didn't want to spoil my awesome mood so I said, "No, spot sounds so disrespectful. I will call her my assistant. She does so much for me." "Whatever," she said and left. I sighed and was going to my rehearsal area when something reaching my ears stopped me. Standing outside Ankita's room, I heard her humming the chorus of my song, "Kaise hua. Kaise hua. Tum itna zaroori kaise hua." I smiled. Girls in love often hum love songs, right? Or at least that's what they show in movies. I will take that as a good sign. I was about to open the door and confront her but then thought that tonight she had to confess her feelings in any case so I will spare her for now.


Hey guys! An exciting chapter will be waiting for you next! Hope you all enjoy it! I am just too excited for this! Here's your quote, 'They say that in love, you achieve the whole world, I would say that in love one person becomes your entire world. What will you do with the rest of the world?' What a thought! Until we meet again, take care! Bye!

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