Chapter 60

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Ayaan's P.O.V. 

I followed the doctor into a room and she took a small sample of my blood for testing. I waited five minutes before she came back and approved that I could give blood. As she was tying a piece of cloth on my upper arm, she asked, "How did you know that Ankita's blood group is AB?" I looked at her asking, "Didn't Ankita tell you anything about me?" "Besides all the years of saying that you aren't a good singer and she doesn't see anything special in the famous rockstar AVM, nope," she said. "She thinks I can't sing?" I asked. "She thinks we don't know that she's obsessed over your music. There are so many times we caught her getting so lost in your music and I know that she is one of your biggest fans," she said. "How?" I asked. "She secretly operates a fan page on Instagram of you," she whispered. I felt happy hearing that. Ankita listened to my music and liked it, this made me estatic. "I'll send a nurse to see you," she said and left the room. A nurse came in and waited as I gave blood. Following that, I drank a glass of juice and went back outside. Ankita was standing at the door and came to me as I walked out. She looked at me silently and awkwardly. "Do you have something to say?" I asked. "I...I..." she started but a familiar voice interrupted behind. "Ankita," Charlie said coming behind with a little boy dressed in school uniform. Ankita stooped down and hugged the boy tightly. Judging by her expressions, I knew that this was her son and the child that answered the phone last night. "Rohan, Nana is not too well right now ok so you have to be strong for Nani. She needs a strong boy at the moment," she said. She even named him after his father? Standing up, she looked at Charlie and said, "Thank you. Today again you came to my rescue." "It's ok Ankita. It's the least I can do for you," he said smiling. I couldn't take it anymore. I walked out and left them there. 

As I was leaving the hospital, a hand grabbed onto mine, stopping me. As I turned and looked back, I saw Ankita gripping onto my hand with tears in her eyes. "Ayaan..." she said. Finally, she called me Ayaan like before. "Please give me a minute," she said. People were coming in and leaving the hospital and since we were blocking the door, she held my hand and led me to the small waiting area. "Thank you," she said, "For everything that you have done for me thus far. If anyone else had been in your place, they wouldn't have done the smallest bit of what you did given after what I did to you. It just goes to show how big your heart is and how much love it has for humanity." "Do you really think I did all this for you? Are you that insane?" I said gritting my teeth. "You can curse me all you want today. I won't feel bad because even if you acknowledge it or not, you have done me a great favour today. And you deserve everything after what you did," she said calmly. "Then answer my question. I want answers. How was it so easy to leave me and betray me? You spend every night here cuddling with your husband and son here and I kept waking and looking for you like crazy. Three years, Ankita. For three years I kept having concerts all over the country just in the hope of a new city or town I will find you. Can your 'thank you' return my three years? No. I want nothing but answers. Have you really moved on? How did you reach here? And how is life after betraying me?" I said. I left her and walked out. It was already evening and I went to cancel the rest of the rehearsals and head back to the hotel. As everyone were leaving and I was locking the door to the hall, Ankita came behind me with two cups of tea in her hands. I looked at her as she offered me one. "Even drinking tea alone today is no fun," she said. "You know I don't want..." I started and she completed saying, "I know you only want answers. And I'm here to give you that." She sat on the steps and rested the tea aside. I sat next to her and waited.

"After you left the hotel that night, I was completely shattered. I had nothing left. Everything I had were you and you were gone. That same night I wrote a letter and left it in the hotel for Rohan. I couldn't continue my friendship with him after what happened. So I ended it. I could have stayed in Manali but I couldn't bring any disgrace to my people there. Uncle Jason, Aunty Sheila, Namu, I couldn't stay there. Dad had already disowned me so I couldn't go back home. Also, I knew that if I had been in Mumbai, anyone could have found me and I was too ashamed of myself to show my face to anyone. I would have been reminded again and again of the betrayal I gave you and it would have killed me so Mumbai wasn't an option. I took a train back to Delhi and then to Mumbai. From Mumbai, I got on a random train and it stopped in Goa. It was New Years Eve and I decided that I will live in this unknown city forever where no one knows me. No one recognises me," she said. "Then, how did you meet these people and Rohan..." I started and she said, "Rohan is not my son." The tightness in my heart immediately left me. "He's not?" I asked to confirm. She shook her head in no. "He's Priya's son," she said. "Then, how did you meet these people?" I asked. "This," she said holding up the cup of tea, "My obsession with tea. When I reached here, I slept two nights on the street and a tea vendor spotted me. He offered me some tea but I didn't have any money to pay him. He offered it free to me and while I was drinking it, some men came. They began teasing me and wanted me to come with them for the night. In that time, Nana and Nani came to the same tea stall and Nana literally chased them away." She chuckled. "They sat down and started a conversation. It was their anniversary that day. During the conversation, they asked me where I lived and I told them half of my situation. They offered me their apartment to rent along with Priya and Rohan and since then, this is all that happened. I remained with them until now and we formed a bond greater than blood relatives. I call them Nana and Nani, Priya has become like a sister to me and Rohan, he's my best friend, my baby boy, everything to me," she said. "So, that day when you were speaking on the phone saying that you will cuddle and sleep all night..." I said, she nodded saying, "Yeah, it was Rohan. He was angry that I couldn't pick him up from school at four." "Because I kept you back," I said frowning, "You told me that you had to leave at four and I deliberately kept you back." 

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