Chapter 50

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Ankita's P.O.V. 

Ayaan and I were sitting and cuddling to beat the cold. More than words, silence filled the air. "Why are you so quiet?" He asked. "I am thinking about what happened in the past two weeks," I said. "What happened?" He asked. "We met, came here, fell in love, and now, we are getting engaged. Isn't this happening a bit too fast?" I asked. "Do you think so?" He asked. "I don't even think that we know each other completely," I said frowning. "What's wrong with you? Are you not happy with this relationship?" He asked parting from me. "Of course not. I love you. And I am so excited to start my life with you. But look at how long we have actually known each other," I said. "People marry each other without even meeting first," he said. "I know," I said chuckling, "I just want to be completely satisfied." "Ankita," he said holding my hand, "It's not like we are getting married tomorrow. It's only our engagement. If you want to have the wedding even after a year, we can work that out." I smiled and dropped my shoulders. "Don't you think a year would be a little too long?" I asked. "You are so confused," he said. "I'm not confused. I know that I love you and it's you I want to spend my life with. I'm just a bit nervous maybe," I said. "Don't be. You don't have to change anything about yourself for me or my family. Just be yourself. Because that's how we love you," he said and instantly ended all my worries. "I love you," I said touched. "I love you too," he said and took me back in his arms. "Ankita," he said. "Hmm..." I hummed. "Are you sure that you want to marry me?" He asked. "No. Who says I am going to marry you? I will betray you and run away before the vows," I teased. "Oh really," he said and began tickling me. I giggled and fought back. 

Shanaya's P.O.V. 

I snuck into Mom's room around midnight and shook her to wake her up. She jerked up and before she could shout, I covered her mouth. "It's me," I said whispering. "What is it?" She asked. "I need to talk to you," I said. "In the morning," she said and laid back down. I pulled her up and dragged her half asleep body out of the room and in the corridors. "Shanaya, you better have something very important to say for disturbing my sleep," she said gritting her teeth. Controlling my excitement, I said, "I have made my plan to separate Ayaan and Ankita." She frowned and looked at me. "You woke me up this late to tell me about her?" She asked. "Listen to my plan," I said and explained everything to her. After I was finished, I looked at her for some reaction and her smile soon appeared. "Wow my daughter. Even I wouldn't have been able to make such a plan!" She appreciated, "I am so proud of you." I hugged her and then she turned around and went back. Feeling fulfilled, I went back to my room.

Ayaan's P.O.V. 

Finally, the day I was waiting for came. I was so excited to unite with Ankita, the love of my life. Tonight, I am also going to announce on my social media that I am officially taken by Ankita. I am too excited. I woke up and went to Ankita's room to go to the hotel together. Knocking on the door, Preeti opened it and said before anything else, "Ankita left already for the hotel." I was confused. "Already?" I said looking at my watch. "Yeah, Rohan came this morning and they left," she said. I shook off my disappointment and said, "Ok. Thanks." I left with my bags and went to the hotel. While entering, I bounced into someone and looking at her, I frowned. Shanaya stood smiling at me. "Good morning," she said. "Good morning," I said. I was about to walk around her when she came and blocked me. "Do you want something?" I asked. "Forgiveness," she said. "For what?" I asked. "Ayaan," she said bending her head and playing with her fingers, "I know that we haven't have had very pleasant encounters in the past. But since we are going to be brother-in-law and sister-in-law, can't we forget everything and move forward?" I listened to her and looked at her guilty face. "Ayaan," Ankita said resting her hand on my shoulder. I turned around and looked at her staring at Shanaya. Smiling at me, she said, "You're here. I'm sorry baby. I couldn't come with you this morning. Actually, Rohan had some plans for me so he came for me this morning." She planted a kiss on my cheek to my surprise and looked at Shanaya. Was something going on between them? Shanaya smiled at me and asked, "So, am I forgiven?" I thought for a while and said, "I forgive you." Her smile widened and she said, "Thank you." She left and I turned to Ankita with an angry pout. " baby. You are so cute," Ankita said pulling my cheeks. I pushed her hands away and looked at her smile. "This is not fair. You always act cute and cajole me," I said. She smiled and hugged me. "Let's go," she said and wrapped her arms around me.

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