Chapter 20

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Ankita's P.O.V.

I left Preeti in the room to take some rest and left the room. Just outside, I met Ayaan and he frowned at me with a guilty face. I was too annoyed and disappointed to speak to him right now so I attempted to leave but he held back my hand. "Ankita," he said in a desperate voice. "Listen Ayaan, if you are going to justify yourself then don't. I am not the one who needs an explanation of your actions. Preeti deserves it so go to her," I said and removed his hand from mine. I walked away from there and went back to our practice space. He followed me and went on the stage. I did everything and avoided him while he practiced. His performance wasn't as great as it usually was. He was singing half heartedly and if he continued like this, he will definitely be disqualified from the competition but I was just too angry to talk to him. I could feel his stare boring holes into me and making me feel uncomfortable. Finally, Pihu came and said, "Ayaan, you can come to the main stage for your rehearsal." I got up with my file and began walking to the main stage. He followed slowly behind. Sitting on one of the chairs, I waited for him to start with my face visibly swollen with anger. He stood on the stage and said, "I'm sorry." I was suddenly taken aback. I looked up at him and saw his eyes fixed on something behind me. Turning back, I saw Preeti standing and looking at him. The chorus singers were all confused but they listened. "I'm sorry Preeti. I admit that whatever I did was wrong but I still consider you a dear friend. A true friend. And I don't want to lose this friendship because of one mistake I made. I can't take back whatever I did and said but believe me, I don't regret for even a second becoming your friend. Even if it was fake at the start, it transformed into a beautiful friendship which losing will be grave for me. Please forgive me. Or punish me in whatever way you want," he said bending his head. I looked back at Preeti and saw her coming to the stage. She stood before him and looked at him with tears in her eyes. I could sense that he was genuinely sorry and ashamed but if Preeti doesn't forgive him, I will not. If I do, I will be insulting my friendship with her.

"I forgive you," she said. He smiled. "But on one condition," she said frowning. "Tell me, I will do anything," he said. "You have to take me for a coffee with a true heart," she said. "I will certainly. Thank you!" he said and embraced her. She froze and frowned. I also frowned at how she must be feeling. Breaking the hug, he said, "I owe you a coffee." "I'll see you later," she said with a small smile and left the stage. Walking, she stopped and looked at me with tears in her eyes. She left without saying anything to me. I looked at Ayaan frowning at me. He took his guitar and began strumming while singing the song with much more enthusiasm than he was singing earlier. I looked at him still not forgiving him without being convinced that Preeti has fully forgiven him. I won't forgive him until I am sure that she has. After his practice was over from the main stage, we left and decided to take a small break until the concert tonight. I went to my room and got the outfits for the chorus singers. Going to each of them, I handed them theirs and while going to Sam to give him his, someone caught hold of my hand and pulled me to a corner. Trapping me against a tree, Ayaan looked at me. "Preeti has forgiven me but you haven't as yet," he said. "Until I don't get convinced that she has fully forgiven you, I won't forgive you," I said looking away from him. "Your forgiveness is just as important to me as hers Ankita. Whatever I said about her is for you as well. Your friendship is important to me too," he said softly. I looked at him taken aback. He looked at me with a desperate face but I wasn't going to. "I have a lot of work to finish before tonight so I have to go," I said and tried to walk away but he held back my hand. Turning back to him, I began twisting my hand around to get it out of his grip saying, "Ayaan, someone will see and misunderstand." "I don't care about others. All that matters to me is your forgiveness," he said. I looked around embarrassed and said, "I told you already. I won't forgive you until I speak to Preeti." He pulled me closer to him and I crashed on his chest. Holding my waist, he said softly, "Then speak to her before my performance because if you don't forgive me before I go on stage, I surely won't be able to perform."

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