Chapter 14

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Ayaan's P.O.V.

I was practicing when my eyes fell on Ankita who was sitting and smiling. It seemed as if she was really enjoying the performance and I couldn't help but to think about destroying it. I stopped strumming the guitar and rested it aside, in the middle of the song, to everyone's surprise including her. Turning around, I said in a casual way to my chorus singers, "What is this guys? Aren't you all hungry? Enough practice now, let's take a break and eat something." Everyone agreed with me and I smiled at Ankita. "Spot! Can you bring some food for us?" I asked. She got up quietly and turned around when my words stopped her, "At least take our order." She turned back to me and smiled sarcastically. "Sure. Please, tell me," she said and rolled her eyes. I sat on the stage and began swinging my feet. "I want a burger with lettuce, mayonnaise, onions and extra cheese with some pepper in hot buns," I said. She smiled falsely and asked, "Anything else sir?" "Yes! I want with it French fries and a coke," I said. She turned around and took one step when I stopped her again saying, "Hello! Who's going to take the orders from the chorus singers?" She stopped and looked at them. "What can I get you guys?" she asked. "Anything there is, we will eat," Ritu said politely. "Oh come on guys! It's her job to bring you things. She's our spot! Tell her and she will do anything," I said. Looking back at them, they altogether looked hesitant. "It's ok, we'll eat whatever there is," Sam said. She left with the order in mind and I smiled. After some time, she came back with two trays in both her hands. Balancing it well, she made her way to the stage and rested it besides me. I looked at the burger just as I asked for it. Taking up the plate, she turned to me and then without handing it to me, she went and sat on a log. In front of me, she had the audacity to eat the burger with style leaving me in awe. She sat and eat it fondly without even looking at me. I clenched my fist and glared at her with anger. Suddenly, she stopped and looked at me. Pointing the burger, she played ignorant and asked, "Do you want a piece?" 

I jumped off the stage and walked to her. She continued to eat it without care. "Of course I would like a bite," I said sitting next to her. She stopped and looked at me. I grabbed the burger from her hand and ate a piece. Savoring it in my mouth, I said, "It's nice." Turning to me, she said, " are eating the same burger that I ate!" "So what? This is my burger! You ate my burger!" I said. "Disgusting! I brought your burger! It's over there," she said pointing to the stage. I looked at the direction of her finger and there was a fresh burger on the tray which was exactly like the one I ordered. I felt stupid. "Oh wow! Very good! Then, here's your burger," I said and handed her back her burger. I got up and went and took the burger and ate it. "Are you insane? You ate from this and are giving it back to me!" she exclaimed with disgust. I sat and ate my burger while hiding the embarrassment from eating hers. She got up and went away. I looked at her as she went out of the camp. Within a minute, she came back empty handed. She sat on the log with a frown and read through the file in her hand. I couldn't help but to look at her for no reason. She really made the burger exactly how I wanted it. After the small break, we all got back to practice and rehearsed until 3 o' clock. I went back to my room and rested my guitar on my bed. Going back outside, I saw Ankita leaving the camp. Preeti came up to me and held my hand. Smiling, she asked, "How was your practice?" "Nice," I said and looked at Ankita walking out. "What are you looking at?" she asked and followed my stare. "Nothing, I was thinking about roaming Manali for a while," I said. "That sounds great! Let's go then!" she said. "Huh?" I said a bit lost. I nodded and we left the camp. We walked behind Ankita for a while until she turned to the road which she went to see yesterday. It pushed my curiosity level more to think about what is her story with this house. Preeti and I went straight to the town. Perhaps I can get something from that music shop man. "So, where do we go first?" Preeti asked. "I just have some work and then we'll see," I said. "Ok," she said. "Come," I said. While walking to the shop, I asked, "So, have you ever been to Manali?" 

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