Chapter 2

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Danica's POV

I wake up with a yawn, my eyes landing on all the boxes that I have yet to unpack. So recap from the past few weeks. My rent was getting to high so Meredith, being the good person she is, allowed me to move into the spare bedroom at her house. Meredith and Derek are together, he's been at the house for a while. Alex has sadly joined the Bailey's Intern group. 

I step out of bed, the cool air nipping at my bare legs. I need coffee. I look in the mirror, my long brown hair in two dutch braids, a few hairs sticking out. I contemplate if I should leave my room, dressed the way that I am. Black booty shorts, hanging just below my ass and a tight green long sleeve that clings to my breasts, and I'm currently not wearing a bra. Oh whatever. 

I leave my room, bumping into Derek. "Morning," 

"Oh shut up, don't expect me to be jolly until at least twelve o'clock, earliest eleven," I yawn again, annoyed at his overly cheery self. I walk down the stairs, rubbing my eyes slightly. "Morning," I walk over to the fridge and grab my premade iced coffee. I take a sip, sighing as it brings goosebumps to my skin. I look over at George, who is currently staring at me, a chocolate cupcake in hand. 

"Do you want one?" Izzie asks. 

"Never will I say no to a cupcake," I happily take one from the trays biting into it. Moaning in delight at the taste. "These are great,"

"Right?" George asks, muffled through cupcake. 

"But something's missing," I add.

"Right! I just can't tell what it is," Izzie complains.

"Well as a fellow baker, it'll come to you eventually,"  I sit down on the bar stool beside George, still sipping on my coffee and eating my cupcake. 

"Good morning," I groan in response to Derek's greeting. He chuckles before kissing the top of my head. 

"I hate you with a passion from the hours of six am to eleven am," I mutter. "You want a cupcake?"

Derek grimaces, walking over to the cupboard. He pulls out a box of cereal and pulls out a bowl out of the pantry. We all just watch him. "You know I like it here. Hey, you said so yourself, you liked having your things around, sleeping in your own bed,"

"You're like a health nut aren't you?" George asks. I snort. 

"Bingo," I mutter. "He eats muesli every morning," 

"No I don't," Derek defends. 

"Denial," I chuckle to George. I lick my thumb a little and wipe some chocolate off the corner of his mouth. His face reddening and I just chuckle at him before popping the rest of my cupcake in my mouth. 

"Okay, the muesli thing, you do. The last seven days at least," Izzie interjects. 

"Oh come on. I haven't been here for a whole week," Derek pauses and looks at Meredith. "Have I?"

"Derek, I've only lived here for a week and you're more unpacked than I am," 

"See even they think it's weird," Meredith states. I giggle quietly causing Derek to look over at me from his seat at the table. 

"Don't you have to get dressed?" 

"Right, I forgot I have a job," I mutter, hopping up from my seat at the counter. I begin walking out of the kitchen.

"Dani," I turn to Derek, a smirk resting on his face. 

"Aren't those Liam's spiderman socks?" Derek asks. "The ones he hasn't been able to find for what three years?"

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