Chapter 17

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Danica's POV

So as usual, recap. Derek and Addison are officially over. Meredith chose Derek instead of Finn, but he hasn't talked to her yet. George and Callie broke up, and no I have not made a move cause I'm not a bitch. Oh and Mark Sloan is in Seattle. Now Mark and I are best friends, as are me and Derek, it's just Derek and Mark aren't best friends anymore. So I'm stuck in the middle.

Anyways, I chuck my packed up bag in the bag of Derek's truck before hopping in the first seat. We're going camping. Along with Burke. "You excited?" I ask.

"Of course. Remember the camping trip we went on with your brothers?" He asks.

"Oh my gosh yes! Liam decided to jump into the lake and we had to douse him with salt to get all the leeches off. That was funny," I laugh at the memory as we drive down to Preston's place. We get outside just as Preston walks out. I stay in the front seat as Derek goes to help him out. 

"Ah, getting away, out of the city. Men being men. Mountain men in the wild," 

"Are you forgetting that I'm a woman or have you forgotten again?" I ask with a smile.

"Millers, hey,"

"It's Dani, hey Preston,"

"I didn't know you'd be joining us," Preston says with an awkward smile.

"Of course. Derek, my brothers, and I used to camp all the time," Preston hops in the back as Derek gets back into the front seat. 

"We have to make one stop," Preston informs. Derek looks at Preston, then at me. I just shrug, just as confused as he is. We follow Burke's instructions and end up at a hotel, just as Chief walks out with a suitcase and picnic basket. He's not wearing a proper coat or anything. 

"What is he wearing?" I ask. "Is that a picnic basket?"

"Dear lord," Derek mutters.

"Mountain Men in the wild," Chief cheers as he loads his stuff into the back.

"And woman," I add.

"Oh Dani, it's good to see you. You'll be joining us?" He asks.


"You know this is my first camping trip?" Chief asks as he climbs into the truck. I look over at Derek with a smirk. 

"You don't say," I chuckle. "So Preston, any other surprises?"

"O'Malley's coming," He answers. My smile falters slightly but I quickly bring it back.

"George? That's great," I lie. The boys get back in the truck. As Derek hops in I pull his jacket so he's closer to me. "No one said anything about George coming," I whisper.

"I'm just as surprised as you are," Derek mutter. 

Danica's POV

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Danica's POV

Well turns out more people than we thought are coming. It's now George, Derek, Chief Webber, Preston, Joe, Walter, and Alex. How fun. We all set up our tents. I have mine up before everyone else's. I walk over to Derek who is currently standing by a tree. "You gonna pout the whole trip?" I ask.

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