Chapter 23

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Danica's POV

After my pathetic crying fit I went downstairs just as the door closed. Signaling George had left. I walk into the kitchen to grab something to eat like I was going to over an hour ago. I grab a box of oreos and a container of peanut butter before looking over at a very smiley Izzie.

"You make me sick," I mutter.

"What?" She asks having only heard me mumble but not the actual words I said.

"Don't talk to me,"

"W-why?" She asks confused.

"I don't talk to people who help guys cheat on their wives," I sneer as I walk up the stairs. I hear her scramble up and follow me.

"Dani, Dani! You-you can't tell Callie. Please, please don't tell Callie," She begs. I swiftly turn around as I enter my room.

"I'm telling Callie. You can't expect me not to tell Callie!" I exclaim.

"No please. George is gonna tell Callie. If you tell her before he does it'll ruin everything!"

"I don't care who does it but one of you better tell Callie by the end of tomorrow or I'm telling her. God I can't believe you have him thinking he loves you," I scoff before climbing onto my bed.

"He does love me. And I love him,"

"No, Izzie! You don't! You don't know the first thing about George. You don't love him. You love the fact that he loves you. You hate the fact that you can't have him!" I yell, anger and jealousy bubbling through my veins. "You think you love him but you don't. You don't know anything about George other than the fact that he's good in bed!" Tears brim my eyes. "You don't know that he has this birthmark on his hand that looks like Texas and he hates when people comment about it, or that he wished he had brown eyes cause he thinks his green ones make him look too feminine. Or that he can braid hair, really well. And when he cries he doesn't like being asked why, he just likes being held. Or the fact that he detests being called Georgie! But he let me call him that anyway cause he knew I said it because I thought it was cute!" I take shaky breaths as a tear rolls down my cheeks. I get off my bed and slam my door in her face before sitting back on my bed.

I pull my knees to my chest, cursing myself for crying twice within less than two hours.

Danica's POV

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Danica's POV

I walk into the room, having followed the sound of a crying baby. I see Alex. "Hey, what's going on?" I ask.

"What are you doing here? And it's the baby from the building,"

"Maternal instincts and the one with a gas line explosion?!" I whisper-yell. He nods. "Want me to have a look?"

"Can you get him to stop crying? His name's Brian" He asks, sounding agitated.

"I'll try," I walk into the room. "Hi sir, I'm Doctor Millers. I'm just gonna have a look at Brian," I place my stethoscope against the crying babies chest. His heart is beating rather fast. I lift him up. "Hey buddy. My names Dani. What's wrong huh? Why you crying?" I ask, making my voice sound slightly higher. He continues crying, resting his head on my cheek. I get a whiff of his hair. I walk over to Alex. "Why does his hair smell like meth?" I ask with a whisper.

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