Chapter 30

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Danica's POV

"He said Karev," An intern runs in and informs. Lexie has been watching the meeting from outside to try and figure out who gets to do the first solo surgery.


"Are you sure?" George asks.

"Yeah," The intern answers.

"You're sure, sure?" I ask. We watch as he looks unsure. "Go back and give us a proper answer," I shoo him away. After a couple minutes another intern runs in.

"Stevens! He said Stevens!" She cheers.

"Well which is it moron. Stevens or Karev?" Alex asks.

"This is stupid, you guys are gonna trust these imbeciles to tell you who's getting the solo surgery?" Cristina asks.

"Is this hard for you, being banned from the solo surgery?" Izzie asks.

"Shut up Izzie!" I scold as I chuck a magazine at her.

"He may change his mind, he's been known to change his mind," Meredith offers.

"Please don't do that," Cristina says. "You guys go ahead and will yourselves to be voted in. Use the secret,"

"Grey! The Chief said Grey," Another intern rushes in.

"Come on this is stupid. They're discussing of course they're gonna mention all of our names," I mutter with my head on the table, George rubbing my back. "I'm getting high blood pressure!"

"Steve is not a lip-reader. None of the interns are lip readers. You just have to wait for the attendings to vote just like we did when I won," Bailey says as she makes her coffee.

"You won your solo surgery?" Cristina asks.

"I'm gonna pretend you didn't feel the need to ask me that question Yang. Of course I won. I was good. I didn't cut LVad wires, or put my hand in bomby body cavities, or have my interns operating on themselves," Bailey says. "I was special. I was young, gifted, and black, and everybody knew it,"

"Go Bailey," I cheer, despite my head still resting on the table. Lexie then runs in.

"Okay, it's done," Lexie says.

"Oh whatever Helen Keller," Alex says.

"No, I'm serious. The Chief sent me. They made their choice," Lexie argues.

"Well who is is?" I ask sitting up.

"It's you," She points.

Danica's POV

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Danica's POV

"I am happy to announce that the first solo surgery will take place tonight. A below the knee amputation. Mister Collinsworth in 2212," Chief informs.

"Nice," I mutter.

"Choosing who gets the first solo surgery isn't just about who has the best surgical skills or who logs more hours in the O.R. It's about the highest form of trust. The trust to put a patient's life into one of our resident's hands. And for the first time that I can recall, every single attending picked the same person. Doctor Yang. However, Doctor Yang is out of the running," After the incident with a bunch of stupid interns, Cristina ended up getting in trouble for it. "She is going to pick the winner instead. Doctor Yang will post her decision on the O.R board at 4:00pm,"

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