Chapter 49

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Danica POV

Before I know it, it's Christmas and I'm working. Jackson and I have stuck to our original plan if that's what you wanna call it. We are basically friends with benefits. We hang out occasionally and avoid feelings at all costs. I walk past an on-call room, letting out a squeal as someone pulls me into it. The door closes and a very smiley Jackson Avery is looking down at me. "What are you doing?" I ask with a chuckle. 

He points up and I see mistletoe hanging from the door. "Really?" I ask with a small smirk.

"Traditions are traditions," He says with a chuckle before pressing his lips to mine. I smile into the kiss as I wrap my arms around his neck, his hands snaking around my waist. He deepens the kiss, pushing his tongue into my mouth. He takes a step, signalling for me to walk backwards until the backs of my knees hit the bed, causing me to fall, bringing Jackson down with me. I let out a laugh as he pulls his shirt over his head. I kick my shoes off, Jackson doing the same. I let out a whistle as he hovers over me. "Like what you see?" He jokes. I nod with a laugh as he presses his lips to mine once more. I run my hands up and down his chest. I pull away and sit up slightly, slipping off my shirt and pants. 

Jackson attaches his lips to my neck, kissing and biting lightly. His hand slipping around my back and undoing my bra with ease. I slip it off my shoulders and toss it aside, my complete focus on Jackson's lips on my body. He places kisses down my neck and my chest, in between the valley of my breasts and down my stomach. He comes back up and places his lips back on my own as his hand slips into my underwear. 

I moan into his mouth as I feel his fingers graze me. He rubs my clit lightly in a circular motion, teasing me. Without warning, he slips a finger inside me, causing me to gasp into the kiss. I feel him smile against my lips as he slowly pushes his finger in and out of me, going at a teasingly slow pace. He adds another digit, speeding up slight. My eyes squeeze shut as he increases his speed, adding a third finger, stretching me out. "Fuck," I groan, my head leaning back as my stomach forms familiar knots. 

"Jackson I'm gonna--"

"I know," He says cockily as he kisses my neck lightly. I go to make a snarky comment but speeds up again and I come undone. My eyes roll back as my orgasm washes over me. I lay panting as Jackson gets up, licking his fingers clean while maintaining eye contact as his other hand undoes pant strings. He then pulls down his pants and boxers at the same time before climbing back on top of me. I smirk up at him before swiftly and skillfully flipping us over. 

I smirk down at him as I stroke him a couple of times before reaching down and grabbing a condom from his lab coat jacket. I open it and put it on him before hovering over him, sinking down slowly. I give myself a second to adjust before moving. I stabilize myself by placing my hands on his shoulders, slowly rocking back and forth. I gradually increase my speed, bouncing up and down. Jackson's eyes glued to my chest as if mesmerized. I feel the knot build up once more and by Jackson's face and his tightened grip on my thighs, I know he's close as well. I lean forward causing him to buck his hip up into me. 

That completely sets me off, my second orgasm waving over me. Mine triggering Jackson's. I move a little bit, riding out our highs, literally. I lift myself off Jackson before laying down beside him. "Merry Christmas Dani,"

"You too Sky Blue," I chuckle as my pager goes off. I reach over and see it's from Mark. "Gotta go," I get up and quickly get dressed, tying my hair up so it doesn't look messy or like sex hair.

"Um, if you're not busy tonight, you could come over and we can have lots and lots of Christmas sex," Jackson offers as he pulls his pants on. 

"I have a thing tonight. If I didn't I would love to have a bunch of Christmas sex. But remember the house rule. Only hospital sex, it keeps feelings out of it," I remind him as I slip on my shoes.

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