Bonus 8

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Hey I know this isn't the Bad Boy × Pastels update but ya girl already spoiled some of the things that happens in Pastels in that chapter.

And I'm planning something, aka the climax of Pastels for Friday so I'm going to wait until that is completed before I release past 2.

So take this chapter.

"Why do you have to go." Wonwoo pouted as he sat on the kitchen counter with Mingyu. Both of them eating Cookie's and Cream icecream out of the carton.

"Because baby it's for work." Mingyu said placing a kiss on Wonwoo's lips before holding up a spoonful of ice cream to the olders lips.

"Can't I just go with you?" Wonwoo whines as Mingyu shakes his head. "Than I believe you should just not go. You have a bunch of other people you could send in." Wonwoo added.

The thing was, Mingyu had to fly out to the states to promote his new line of cosmetics with The8. With the combined promotions, the trip will take nearly 4-5 weeks.

Which means Mingyu will be away for 4-5 weeks.

And for Wonwoo and what he likes to call, missing Mingyu hours. He was not wanting to accept the fact that his husband was leaving him.

"Baby I'm sorry but I am the CEO and it is my line, I have to be there to promote it. And plus you still have work, so even if I wanted to. I can't take you with me." Mingyu sighed.

"But you'll have Jun to hang out! That's a good thing right?" Mingyu tried to brighten the mood, Wonwoo only huffed as he stabbed the icecream with his spoon.

"Nu, don't be like that." Mingyu said cupping Wonwoo's cheek, turning the olders face to make him look at the younger. "I'll be back before you know it. It'll be like I never left." He whispered.

"I know, but normally I always go with you." Wonwoo said looking at his husband with puppy eyes. "I'm going to miss you." He said softly.

"I'll miss you too. But dont worry, before you know it I'll be back. Right here in your arms." Mingyu said wrapping his arm's around Wonwoo's shoulders.

"Promise?" Wonwoo whispered as he grabbed Mingyu's hand in his. "I promise." Mingyu reassured Wonwoo as he intertwined their fingers.

"Okay, but I have one more favor." Wonwoo said as Mingyu nodded.

"Spend the night with me tonight, and can you leave before I wake up?" Wonwoo asks and Mingyu's heart hurt at the older.

The whole time they've been together, Mingyu always brought Wonwoo with him on long business trips, this time he just couldn't because of their overlapping schedules.

And especially since Mingyu would technically be gone for a while, Wonwoo knew he would be lonely. It's not like he worked for 24 hours everyday.

He didn't have much to keep him entertained or busy. "Are sure baby?" Mingyu asked and Wonwoo nodded slightly as he leaned his head on Mingyu's shoulder.

"Don't judge me." Wonwoo said playfully as Mingyu laughed and placed a kiss on Wonwoo's head.

"Than your wish is my command." Mingyu said hopping off the counter and holds his hand out to Wonwoo. "Can I have this dance?" He asked.

"Why ofcourse." Wonwoo smiled as he hopped off the counter and took Mingyu's hand. The younger pulled him closer, wrapping his hand around Wonwoo's waist.

"I love you so much." Wonwoo said burying his face into the crook of Mingyu's neck as he squeezed their interlocked hands together.

"I love you too Wonwoo, more than anything." Mingyu said as Wonwoo pulled away and connected his lips with Mingyu's.

There, in the middle of the kitchen, the 2 danced throughout the night.


(For anyone who has watched the good place. This ending scene of this show, which I put up above. Is what sorta inspired this chapter. I also recommend you watch the good place)

Respecting the olders wish, Mingyu woke up and got dressed before Wonwoo woke up the next morning.  "I'll be back before you know it my love." Mingyu whispered as he places a light kiss on the side of Wonwoo's head.

He left a note and a small gift on his pillow right next to Wonwoo's. He slipped out the door a moment later and out to the car waiting outside.

"Is there a reason you asked us to pick you up so early." A tired The8 said as Mingyu climbed into the car and sat next to him.

"Sorry, Wonwoo asked me to leave before he woke up." Mingyu said as the car pulled away from the driveway.


Wonwoo woke up nearly 30 minutes later to an empty bed. He turned over to see a note and a gift laying on Mingyu's pillow.

'Dear Wonwoo,

Don't worry dear I'll be back before you know it! And when I get back I I'm all yours, I'll take time off to spend time with you and do whatever you want to make up for not bringing you with me.

Sorry about that once again, maybe if you didn't promise Seungkwan you would become a lawyer, than I wouldn't have to go without you.

Anyways, I'll text you and call you every chance I get! I can't wait to see you again Nu! Miss you already.

Kisses and loves.

-You VERY attractive husband

Wonwoo couldn't help but laugh at his silly husband and the note. He looked over at the gift box and opened the lid. Inside was a white glass flower, Mingyu knew Wonwoo was absolutely terrible at caring for plants and keeping them alive.

Mingyu cleary remember that, because in the box their was another little note that read. 'I got you this so maybe you wouldn't kill this one!'

 'I got you this so maybe you wouldn't kill this one!'

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"Damn you Mingyu." Wonwoo playfully huffed as he placed the flower on the stand that was also included. "I miss you too." Wonwoo smiled to himself.

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