Rocky Time

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   Hey it's Rocky! So this little message is for San thinking that he could try and fight anyone of Seungcheol and Jeonghan's friends. Well I looked into their records and let me tell you.

  You don't have a chance.


   With Seungcheol, he'd kill you instantly, have you not seen how fit this guy is?! He has the muscles and the thighs to choke you out.

   And he's a black belt in Taekwondo, one hit and your on your ass guaranteed, and you can try to get in his head which is an advantage. But that'll probably make him more mad and your dead.


  Yoon Jeonghan, unlike Seungcheol, he doesn't have large muscles or thighs, but he is a trickster and smarter than you in EVERY WAY! He will find a way to take you down. (And plus he's lowkey a pro soccer player)


   Joshua Hong, also not athletic, super happy and kind. But he's never really mad, and when he does snap, he's out for blood. So if you want to fight him, you have to be quick and use the element of suprise. But if he snaps at you, you better be prepared, cause he will drag your ass through the mud.


   Wen Junhui, he is Chinese. That's all I really have to say, he knows plenty of Martial arts to dodge every hit and attack you throw at him, and he'll come back and kick you in the head. And back at his old school, he was one of the best dancers, so you better believe he's in fine ass shape.


  Kwon Soonyoung just like Seungcheol is a black belt in taekwondo and will end you if you try to pull any shit. He was also known for making your ears legit ring. So not only can he make you go deaf, he can kill you with one hit aswell.


   Jeon Wonwoo might not be the type to physically fight you, but he'll probably yell at you, then smack you hard in the face with a book and beat you with it until someone tells him to calm the hell down.


  Lee Jihoon, you already know where I'm going with this. Unlike Seungcheol and Soonyoung. Woozi don't need no Taekwondo, he will beat you up with any thing he has around him, wether it be a chair or a guitar. Your done for, the only advantage you have is maybe his height.


   Lee Seokmin, I would know he would fight only to defend someone, he will probably pound you to the ground, because with those muscles AND THIGHS! He definitely can. The only advantage you may have is his confidence level. But you can't really shit talk when your face is broken.


  Kim Mingyu, just like Seokmin, he's strong, (remember the Woozi apple scene? Yeah) he's also tall so that also a advantage and also built like a damn tank. That boy could break bones. But the ONE advantage you'd have is that his clumsy ass would slip and fall over.


  Xu Minghao he's also Chinese. A beast at Martial arts, can B-boy so that's how you know he's flexible and quick. He can kick your legs out with one swipe, and then beat you with some nunchucks. 

He may be skinny, but he's one not to be messed with.


Boo Seungkwan doesn't need fighting to rip you to shred. He will criticize you in ways you wouldn't even imagine, and to the point you'd stop and burst into tears. The power Boo holds.


I hate to do this to Hansol, but he might be the only one you have a shot at winging. A bit less than 50/59 he probably wouldn't know what is happening, but that doesn't mean he isn't going to give his all when he does. He is a strong boy in practical. And is Seungcheol's right hand mad with the matches.


Please I'm begging you, whatever you do! DON'T FIGHT LEE CHAN! He is one of the strongest ones, he's taken on Seungcheol and one in a thigh game before, he don't need to take no taekwondo or martial arts to pound you into cement. He will end you.

So based off the minor facts I've told you. In conclusion it's safe to say...






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