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"I need help." Jeonghan said to Dk and Woozi early Saturday morning. The 2  looked up at Jeonghan with a smile.

  "You've come to the right people." Dk said who, was eating a bowl brownie batter for breakfast. Jeonghan sighed as he regretted his choices.

  And of course he regretted his choice. He should have just asked Joshua for help.

"Hey guys, what's up?" Seungcheol asked as the 2 barge into his room. This is where everything kinda went wrong. "Uhhh.. well..." Dk said forgetting everything.

  "Oh for peetsake! I need condoms got any?" Woozi said saying the first believable lie he thought off.

  "Ohh, uhh let me check." Seungcheol said getting up to check his drawer. 'Omg he is acutally looking.' Woozi mentally face palming

When Seungcheol's back was turned Dk stupidly grabbed a book and whacked Seungcheol in the head with hit, knocking him unconscious.

"There you go." Dk said opening the door for Jeonghan, who say his boyfriend laying unconscious on the floor.

  "When I said distract him, I didn't mean for you 2 to knock him unconscious." Jeonghan sighed as he pinched the bridge of his nose.

  "There's just no pleasing you!" Dk yelled! Jeonghan rolled his eyes and picked up Seungcheol's phone, unlocking it.

  "Why are we here in the first place?" Woozi asked.

  "I wanted to check to see if Seungcheol was texting anyone while I was gone." Jeonghan said after finding Seungcheol clean.

  "Couldn't you just ask him?" Dk asked.

  "Well this was supposed to be fun, but I decide to ask you." Jeonghan rolled his eyes.


"Hey Zi-Zi." Hoshi said as Woozi walked into Hoshi's room and dumped a bag on the floor by the bed.

  "You staying the night?" Hoshi asked. "Yeah, I hope you don't mind." Woozi said kissing Hoshi's head.

  "You know I never mind, your always welcome here." Hoshi said taking Woozi's hand in his and placing a kiss on his knuckles.

  "Thank you, and Zi-Zi? That's new?" Woozi laughed softly.

"Why not try something new." Hoshi smiled cheekily. "Awe your adorable my little hamster." Woozi pinched Hoshi's cheek as he pouted.

"I'm not a hamster, I'm a tiger." Hoshi whined pointing to the rows of Tiger Plushies along his shelf.

  "Well to me, your my hamster. Which is why I hope you can add this to your collection." Woozi said pulling something

It was a hamster plushie.

  "Awweee! It's so cute!!!" Hoshi gasped immediately hugging the plushie. "Wait weren't you saving up your money for a new computer?" Hoshi asked raising an eyebrow.

  "Yeah I know, but I saw this and I thought of you and I couldn't help it, I hope you like it." Woozi smiled.

  "I love it. Thank you." Hoshi smiled putting it ontop of the tigers. "I think I'm falling for you." Hoshi swooned.

"Then get the fuck up." Woozi said with his thick Busan accent as he pulled out his laptop.

"Are you still going to work?" Hoshi pouted as Woozi sat up at Hoshi's desk to work.

  "Yeah I've put this project on long enough." Woozi said eyes glued to the screen.

  "You still need to sleep." Hoshi lectured Woozi, which is something he always does, since the smaller never sleeps.

  "I don't need to sleep, I'm not tired, I'll be fine." Woozi tired to argue, but Hoshi had a plan.

  "Oh but darling, I'll be so lonely without you. Come curl up in my arms so I can feel whole again." Hoshi whined.

  "Are you trying to seduce me into healthy sleeping patterns?" Woozi rose an eyebrow at Hoshi.

  "Is it working?" Hoshi flashed a evil smirk.

   "Just a bit."

Bad Boy ~ Jeongcheol Where stories live. Discover now