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Seungcheol was woken up by his phone ringing. "Hey Seungcheol, I'm throwing a party this Friday." Dk said over the phone the next morning. "Ok I'll be there- wait." Seungcheol groaned. "What?" Dk asked. "I got Mr. Perfect with me." Seungcheol rolls his eyes.

  "So bring him with you. I'm going to ask that cutie Joshua." Dk smirks. "Goodluck, he seems just as much as a smartass." Seungcheol laughs. "I think all of them all, with the exception of that child." Dk says.  Seungcheol checked the time to see that Jeonghan would be here soon.

  "Ok I got to go, by Dk." Seungcheol says before ending the call and getting dressed. "I got you a frappuccino." Jeonghan says opening the door. He was carrying a holder holding his, and probably one for Joshua. "Thanks." Seungcheol mumbles as he takes a drink as he locks his house up.

  Dk tried to arrive early enough he can ask Joshua about going to the party. He was lucky enough to find Joshua at his locker. Before Dk could say a word Joshua cutt him off. "Hello Seokmin." Joshua said turning around. "Wha~?" Dk asked highly confused.
  "So, I'm throwing this party this Friday, and I was wondering if you'd like to join?" Dk asks and Joshua locks his locker and leans against it. "I don't know about that." Joshua sighed. "Oh come one!" Dk pouts as he puts his arm around Joshua. "Have some funny cutie." Dk smirks as he was about to pinch his cheek.

  Joshua snatched Dk's wrist pulling his hand away from his face. "You know what Seokmin." Joshua glared at Dk making him a bit more nervous. "Treat me like a game, I'll show you how it's played." Joshua says before letting go of Dk and walking away. "What just happened?" Dk wondered.

  "You just got rejected." A voice said startling Dk. "Oh it's just you." Dk sighed upon seeing that kid who's apparently called Dino. "I heard your a player. Nice to meet you, I'm the coach." Dino smiles. "Trying to get with our group is very difficult, we're all very different in many aspects." Dino smiles.

  "Give me a call." Dino smiles handing Dk his card, it read; 'Makanae Shipper. I'm basically cupid! Call: *** *** ***.' "This kid did not just give me his business card." Dk gasps after Dino walked away. "You aswell?" Vernon asked tapping Dk's shoulder. Vernon held up another one of Dino's cards.

  "I really want to know how to get to Seungkwan without getting slapped." Vernon says.

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