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  Vernon was busy sitting on the couch, watching t.v with his sister when their home phone rang. "Ughhh I'll get it." Sofia said as she lept off the couch to the home phone.

"Hello?" She asked and then nodded as the other person on the phone spoke. "Non it's for you." She said handing over the phone to her older brother.

"Hello it's Chwe not Chew." Vernon said.

"Vernon it's me, we have a serious issue." It was Dk, and by the tone in his voice. Something was seriously wrong.

"Hey Dk, what's up?" Vernon asked, sitting up on the couch. Sofia looked at him in confusion but he just told her to go back to the movie.

"Joshua's missing."

"Wait what?" Vernon asked immediately standing up and climbing off the couch. "So me and him were texting 20 minutes ago. Don't ask how he got my number. But then he suddenly stopped texting." Dk started.

"So I thought he went to go eat dinner or something. But then 5 minutes ago, I got a call from Joshua. It was his mom asking if Joshua was already at my place.

  Joshua apparently snuck out and lied to his parents that he was going to my place. And there isn't a way to track him, since he left his phone." Dk says and Vernon's eyes widen.

"Ok, first off what did you tell his mom?" Vernon asked, trying to stay calm. Knowing Dk sure as hell won't.

"I played it off and said he was doing fine. But I'm nervous because I have no idea where Joshua is!" Dk said.

"Ok, Dk, breathe. We'll find him, don't worry." Vernon says heading up stairs to grab his shoes and jacket.

"I don't even know where to start." Dk said, Vernon froze. An idea popped into his head.

  "I think I might know."


"How did YOU TWO, find my house." Seungkwan grumbled as he started at the 2 standing on his front porch.

"Dino, is one helpful cupid." Vernon pants out. Seungkwan only muttered a few curses under his breath. He should have known he would be the first one to have his address leaked.

"Fine, why are you here?" Seungkwan asked leaning against the door frame, waiting for an explanation.

  "Joshua is missing." Dk starts before he continued to explain the whole situation.

  "Come on than, we need to find him!" Seungkwan says slipping on a pair of shoes. "Wait, I need a jacket." He paused.

"Here just take this." Vernon said quickly taking off his hoodie and handing it to Seungkwan. "Thanks." Seungkwan muttered.

Using Seungkwan's sisters car, they drove around to all the places Joshua could be. "Where else could he be?" Dk asked.

  "WAIT THE TRAIN STATION!" Seungkwan realized as he did a U turn in the middle of the empty street, as they drove to the train station.

"I can't see him." Seungkwan sighed as they still looked around for the older.

  "Hyung's, what's that?" Vernon asked, pointing to a 'lump' laying agaisnt a bench. It could be a homeless person, but they knew that tan coat too well.

  "Oh my god, he didn't." Seungkwan gasps as he runs to the person, Dk and Vernon following after. When they got a better view. They all gasp.

  It was Joshua

Had he fallen alseep out here?!

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