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  "You okay, you took quite the fall?" A person asks, Jeonghan still layed on the floor of the train hoping that if he hit his head hard enough that he would wake up from this nightmare.

  "Yeah I'm fine." Jeonghan says as he grabs the hand of the random person. "Thanks." Jeonghan mumbles to the person.

"I'm all alone for this train ride want to join me?" The person asks nervously fearing Jeonghan would decline him. Jeonghan thought about it before nodding slightly with a smile. It was better than sitting by himself, dwelling on the mistakes in his life.

  "Sure why not, my stuff is around here somewhere." Jeonghan huffed as they carefully made thier way over to find Jeonghan's stuff.

  "I'm Choi Minki, call me Ren." Ren smiled holding out his hand and Jeonghan shook it. "I'm Yoon Jeonghan." Jeonghan smiled. Ren lowkey reminded Jeonghan of what he used to look like hair wise.

  Ren had longish faded purple hair to match his silver and purple nails

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  Ren had longish faded purple hair to match his silver and purple nails. "So what brings you to Singapore?" Ren asked and Jeonghan bit his lip questioning on what to reveal.

  He ended up venting to Ren about his so called situation and his dad, and his boyfriend. "That's awful! I'm so sorry you have to deal with that!" Ren exclaimed, worry in his voice.

  "It's fine, I'm not moving there. I'd walk back to Seoul if I have to!" Jeonghan swore. Ren smiled at the youngers confident and determination.

  "Do you want me to walk with you?" Ren asked when the train stopped. Jeonghan appreciated the help and support, but Ren was here for his own reason.

  "I'll be fine. But thank you for everything Ren. I'll see you around." Jeonghan smiled gratefully as Ren made them exchange numbers

The 2 pareted their ways and Jeonghan walked out the main exit of the train station. He looked around the large city of Singapore. He pulled out his phone and searched up his father's address.

  He wasn't able to go very far before a blue jeep pulled up infront of him. "Get in Jeonghan." A female voice snapped rolling down the window. Jeonghan's eyes widen in shock.

It was JeonKymn his sister.

 She had long blonde hair and the same wide eyes as Jeonghan

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She had long blonde hair and the same wide eyes as Jeonghan. She looked like such a nice girl. But she held the personality of a venom snake.

  Jeonghan only glared at her, went back to his phone and began walking towards the house.

  "I said GET. IN!" She yelled at Jeonghan who payed no attention to his sister. He did not care if the walk nearly 45 minutes. He'd walk for hours than get in that damn car with his sister.

"Wow. I see how it is." JeonKymn scoffed as she threw the gift into drive and drove off speeding past Jeonghan. "Bitch." Jeonghan mumbled at the car fading off into the distance.

  'Well, let's go Jeonghan. Time to walk.' He said to himself.

So I'm Back!!!! I'm so sorry for being gone!!

  Thank you for waiting!♡♡

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