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Surprisingly Wonwoo was one of the only ones who had a job out of them. He worked at the town's local bookstore. So that's what he spent his time doing after school.

And as of right now, he was left responsible for picking up the leftover books people left laying around. "How can someone be so disrespectful to such amazing things?!" Wonwoo sighs.

His annoyance only grew when he saw the amount of books placed high above the shelves. People do this so they can save the books they want. They don't think the librarians notice, oh but they do.

"Cure this stupid lader." Wonwoo grumbled it was just a hair to short, so Wonwoo had to stand on his tip toes to reach the books.

However he placed his foot down wrong causing him to slip and fall backwards, thankfully there happend to be a person right behind him to catch him.

But sadly their wasn't some really romantic book or movie, or smth like that. The person caught Wonwoo but managed to lose his grip on gravity as both collapsed on the ground.

"Omg I'm so sorry."  Wonwoo says standing up to only realize the whole room was very blurry, he wasn't wearing his glasses.

"Wonwoo?" A familiar voice asked despite not being able to see well, Wonwoo recognized the voice almost too well.

  "Mingyu?" Wonwoo squinted. He could see the younger nodd with that stupid goofy smile on his face that him and Hoshi do when their happy or smth.

  "Are these yours?" Mingyu asked as he bent down to pick up Wonwoo's circle frame glasses. Mingyu's eyes then widened when he saw the lenses.

  "Omg I'm so so sorry!" Mingyu repeated over again and Wonwoo was highly confused. "What did you do?" Wonwoo asked.

"Your left lenses is kinda cracked..." Mingyu trailed off. "I promise I'll bye you a new pair, I can get you the same pair or maybe some new pairs..." Mingyu rambled on.

Wonwoo couldn't help but roll his eyes at the taller. "Don't worry Mingyu, it's fine. There cheap anyways." Wonwoo says as he feels Mingyu put the glass on his face.

Yep they definitely are cracked.

"But I still feel bad. What can I do to make it up to you?" Mingyu asked, Wonwoo thought for an idea of what he  could do.

"Be my reading partner ig?" Wonwoo shrugged and Mingyu's nose scrunched up.

"Reading partner what does that mean?" Mingyu asked.

"Pick a book, any book. I pick a book, we sit down And we read, like people do  in a library." Wonwoo explained and Mingyu's confusion and curiosity only grew.

"If your both reading your own book what's the point to being partners?" Mingyu asked and Wonwoo only shrugged.

"It's just nice to be with some and have company while reading." Wonwoo said. Mingyu thought about it then nodded.

"Any book suggestions?" Mingyu asked last book he actually read was fablehaven. And that was so long ago.

Wonwoo's eyes sparkled as they scanned over the isle of book, looking for one to try and satisfy the taller air heads brain.

  "Here, try this." Wonwoo says grabbing a book and reading the back. The title read 'You owe me a murderer'. It was kinda cheesey but it worked.

"Ok and what did you choose?" Mingyu asked taking the book from Wonwoo. Wonwoo held up 'The hangman's daughter' despite already reading it a bunch of times, it was one of Wonwoo's favorite.

  "So what are you doing here anyways?" Mingyu asked and Wonwoo held up his I.D bage stating that he works there.

"Born to read, forced to work." Wonwoo sighed.

  "So if you work here... let me guess you've read every book here?" Mingyu teases and Wonwoo looks around at the selves. "Pretty much, theres still a few ones I haven't had a chance to open yet." Wonwoo said.

  "I was kidding..." Mingyu said with eyes wide. "Your like some alcoholic but with books instead." He shook his head.

"I am indeed a bookaholic and I regret nothing." Wonwoo said pushing his glasses farther up his nose bridge. The 2 open their books and begin reading.

  Damn Wonwoo picked Mingyu a good book because one chapter turned into 2 chapters and 2 turned into 6 chapters. And before you know Mingyu couldn't put the dang book down.

  Wonwoo don't even know why, but he couldn't help but spare quick glances at the younger, because ever since the party, it became more apparent  that wonwoo took great appreciation in Mingyu's face.

  "How often are you going to look at my handsome face?" Mingyu snickered and Wonwoo only tried to shrink down into the chair. But stupidly Wonwoo said the first thing that came into his head.

"I just want to be upfront and say that I kinda visually enjoy you." Wonwoo said his eyes never leaving his book.

  Mingyu was not expecting that to come out of the olders mouth. "Have you been stalking me or something?" Mingyu chuckled.

"Excuse me, I am not a stalker, I am a researcher...." Wonwoo started, but Mingyu cut him off.

  "And let me guess I'm a good subject?" Mingyu rose an eyebrow and Wonwoo nodded.

  Wonwoo was panicking and going into gay panic inside his head, but seemed cool on the outside. Mingyu only smiled like a huge dork, he was actually enjoying this, and was planning on playing this out.

  "Well you sir, you're very attractive therefore, I will stare at you." Mingyu smirked as Wonwoo lifted his eyes to meet Mingyu's chocolate brown eyes.

  However the longer the 2 held eye contact, Wonwoo's eyes drained of panic but replaced with something else, something worse.


  "I have to go. I'm sorry." Wonwoo whispers as he gets up and runs off to the back room to get his stuff. Mingyu sat there dumbfounded and confused, what scared Wonwoo so much.
  With a heavy sigh Mingyu grabbed the book he was reading and way about to place it back on the shelf but something stopped him. He doesn't know why with the book in his hands he made his way to the front desk.

Mingyu checked out the book .

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