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Choi Vivio was mad, and she was taking it out on The8 for some reason and this wasn't was some petty argument between the 2 of them.

She had The8's back pressed against the lockers as she stood infront of him and ripped him to pieces. She said the worst thing possible without hesitation, all down to his style and ethnicity.

"YOUR NOT EVEN A GOOD BOYFRIEND, IT'S LIKE YOU DON'T EVEN TRY!" She yells jabbing him in the chest. The8 just stood there and took the insults, he was too scared to do anything.

If he tried to do anything, Vivio would turn it all on him. And plus all her friends are filming this.

Vivio was still busy ripping The8 to pieces with her poisonous words until The8 watched in slow motion, Vivio be jerked backwards by her shoulder, and pulled her away.

By Jun

"What do you think your doing?!" Jun shouted rather loudly that those other girls turned their phone cameras to the other 2.

"Teaching this peice of garbage a lesson." She says about to go back to The8 but Jun pushed her away.

"The only piece of garbage is you." Jun snapped. "The8 is talented in so many more ways than you." Jun pointed out and Vivio crossed her arms.

"Why are you even sticking up for him? He's nothing!" She said and The8's lowered his eyes to the ground.

With furry Jun raised his hand to slap her. But before he could he felt a hand grab his. Jun turned to see The8 looking at him with pleading eyes. "Don't." He whispers intertwining their hands

"Your lucky, The8 is respectful to bitches like you." Jun glared daggers at her.

"Lil8 your going to let him talk to me like that?!" She cried out, pretending to be hurt.

The8's eyes narrowed. "Yes. He speaks the truth." He said seriously

"Myungggg, but I'm your girlfriend. " She gasps dramatically.

"My name is Xu Minghao, and your not my girlfriend anymore. We're through." The8 said pulling Jun along with him.


The8 rolled his eyes as he kicked open the door to one of the doors to the

"That stupid girl, I was so blinded by what the hell I saw. To give up what really mattered. Myself." The8 said pulling out a pair of clothes.

Jun just stood there and watched The8 walk into the little bathroom to change and also wash out the extra hair jell in his hair.

"Much better." The8 smiled as he spun around in the mirror. He was beginning to look more like himself.

"No offense but why would you get with her?" Jun asked.

"Idk, she asked me out and I just said yes. I knew she was using me but I was too scared to do anything." The8 side.

"But she was not a good person. 'Fun fact'  She was going to make him cut his hair but I refused. So she made me straighten it and jell it down." The8 scoffed.

"And she took dance away from me." The8 whispered staring at the mirror sadly.

Jun flashed The8 a small smile before pulling him into a comfortable hug. "I've been such a jerk to everyone. And I can't even apologize to Jeonghan." The8 sniffled.

  "It's ok, their your bestfriends they'll understand. I promise." Jun whispered.

"Thank you Jun." The8 smiled as he pulled away.

  "Do you wanna dance. I mean I'm a bit rusty but still?" The8 asked and Jun smirked.

  "Try to keep up." Jun laughed kicking his shoes off.


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