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  "Avoiding this disaster seems impossible." Woozi grumbled to himself. As much as he loved sleep, and how much he wanted to curl up in bed right now.

   Woozi was actually right outside Fizzie Fries, after school. His heart beating faster as he threw open the door, the little bell clinging overhead.

  He scanned the room until he found the so called fire head, sitting at one of the bar tables. "One rootbeer float plz." Woozi says to the worker as he pulls

  "Oh hey. What are you doing here?" Hoshi asked and Woozi just shrugged. "I don't wanna go home so soon." Woozi muttered as he handed over the cash to the clerk.

  "You okay? You seem different today?" Hoshi asked and Woozi shook his head. Well the only thing wrong with his was him overthinking every word that was never said or heard.

  "I'm fine. I'm just feeling- call it energetic tonight." Woozi laughed as he sipped his drink. "Let's do something fun tonight!" Woozi blurted before he could stop himself.

Hoshi's eyes light up with excitement. "OMG WE CAN HAVE SOME LIKE REALLY CUTE HAPPY EVER AFTER ADVENTURE!" Hoshi rambled before Woozi stopped him.

  "Woah there tiger. Happy ever after? I don't think so." Woozi said. And after they finished their drinks the sky had melted from blue to orange, announcing that night was approaching.

"There's a skate deck not to far away from here. I believe we have to climb a fence tho." Hoshi said.
  "Ok. I can't skate but let's do it!" Woozi cheered. So they ended up climbing a fence, to get to the skate deck.

  "I'm warning you. This isn't going to go well." Woozi said as he tied on his shoes. Last time he skated was probably when he was 12 years old.

  "Only one way to find out!" Hoshi says standing up, he held his arm for Woozi, who managed to make it past the rugged floor to the actual skate floor.

  "Come on chicken." Hoshi laughed as he moved across the floor. With a sigh Woozi stepped onto the floor.

He didn't make it far before he fell right on his butt. "You good?" Hoshi laughed as he held his hand out to Woozi who pushed it away.

  "Ok let's try this again." Woozi says standing himself up again. Only to lose balance and grab onto Hoshi's arms tightly.

"Let's start moving." Hoshi smiles as he took Woozi's hand as they skated round. Both each falling more than they'd like.

"Your doing fine." Hoshi said holding Woozi's hands in his as he skated backwards so he could help Woozi not faceplant.

  "Than- WHOA!" Woozi yelled as he tripped again falling onto Hoshi, knocking him backwards again.

"I think you just broke my ribs." Hoshi coughed out as Woozi was laying on top of him. "I am so sorry." Woozi burst out laughing?

After an hour of skating, they decided to call it a night and turn in their skates.  Their feet and legs hurt to much for them to walk all the way home.

So they decided to catch the bus home, along with what seems to be EVERY person in Seoul. They were lucky enough to get one seat. Which Woozi made Hoshi take, and he stood.

"Woozi." Hoshi called out and when he looked over at the other he saw the older patting his lap.

  He wasn't serious was he? Hoshi really wanted Woozi to sit on his lap. Woozi just shook his head and looked ahead again.

"Woozi." Hoshi called again.

"No thank you, I'll stand." Woozi shook his head again.

"Oh come on! You've been complaining your feet and legs hurt." Hoshi continued. Woozi rolled his eyes.

  "No I have more dignity than that." Woozi said and Hoshi just scoffed.

  "What dignity I just watched you fall on your ass for the past hour. You don't got any left. Sit." Hoshi said.

  "Fine only if you shut up." Woozi grumbled as he sat on Hoshi's lap. "We never speak of this EVER! you understand me!" Woozi said and Hoshi nodded a smirk on his lips.

  Hoshi was ecstatic right now. He had never thought this was how he'd be spending his Monday night.

  "Better get comfortable, we have a long ride back home." Hoshi whispered resulting in Woozi stomping on his foot.

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