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"What are you doing here? Do you not understand the point of a restraining order?" Jeonghan snaps as he turn on his heels to glare at his father.

"Pfft you think a tiny thing like a restraining order can keep me away?" His father rolled his eyes.

"Well that's kinda the whole point." Jeonghan mumbled. "What are you doing in Seoul anyways?" He askes.

"Well Jeonghan. No matter what you do, remember that you are still legally under my custody. So I can still drag you back to Singapore." His father smirked.

"No! I'm not letting you take me back there so you can just abuse me!" Jeonghan yelled. "I already left these guys once I'm not about to do it again." Jeonghan said.

"Why would you care if you left. You wouldn't be missed. And besides..." His father said.

"No one truly loves you."

Jeonghan let out a breath, he felt those words cut right through him. His father smiled, he seemed rather pleased to be cutting his son down, making his life miserable.

"I love him."

His father turned to see Seungcheol come up to them and take Jeonghan's hand in his. "I love him." He said again darkly.

"I love him too." Joshua said taking Jeonghan's hand.

"I love him." Jun said stepping in.

"I love him too!" Hoshi said standing next to Jun.

"I love him." Wonwoo said joining the wall that formed between Jeonghan and his father.

"I love him." Woozi said joining aswell.

"I love him." Dk said standing up aswell.

"I love him too." Mingyu smiled as he stood next Dk.

"I love him aswell." The8 said joining the other 2 97 liners.

"I love him." Seungkwan crossed his arms.

"I love him." Vernon pointed out.

"And I love Jeonghan Hyung." Dino said standing in front. He glared holes into Jeonghan's father. Who was also suprised at what was happening.

"And I love my little brother." JeonKymn said shoving her father back by his shoulder.

"So just leave us alone. It's clear Jeonghan doesn't need you. Just let him live." JeonKymn said darkly.

Before he could say anything he felt a sharp hand grasped his shoulder. "Excuse me sir, but it seems your causing trouble to my students. So I'll have to ask you to leave before I take legal actions." Mrs. Shon said seriously.

Jeonghan's father glared on last time at the 13 boys before turning around and heading back to his car.

"Oh my god." Jeonghan sighs as he buries his face into the crook of Seungcheol's neck. "It's okay. He's gone." Seungcheol whispered placing a kiss on Jeonghan's head.

Welp Jeonghan's dad is finally gone.

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