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"So explain to me why were at Safeway?" Dino asked even though he didn't know where else they would be.

"The best things to help with grounding are the most common places." Rocky says grabbing a basket and pulling him to the toy section.

"Pick 3 colors." Rocky says motioning to the play-dough. Confused, Dino grabs 3 different color of play dough.

  "When we are active with our hands, it causes our focus to shift. Making objects helps us not think of negative or triggering thoughts." Rocky explains.

They went to the candy isle next, where they each grabbed a few bags of peanut M&M's each. "Oh is this were you eat the chocolate off the peanut. I do that all the time, when I eat these." Dino says.

  "Apparently, it draws your attention to the present off the negative." Rocky says, also grabbing sour patch kids.

  "Sourness tends to bring you back to the real world, so it's either this or war heads. Your choice." Rocky laughed as Dino immediately took the sour patch kids.

"And that brings us to our final destination, for food." Rocky says leading them to another isles. He grabs lemon and lime squeeze bottles, and whole lemons and limes.

  "The juice bottles shock your taste to help chase away bad thoughts. And the wholes, also shock your taste buds. But you bite into it like and apple." Rocky says

  Dino's mouth felt sour just from hearing that. "BITE IT LIKE AN APPLE?!?!?" Dino yells as Rocky laughs while nodding.

  "And now finally duct tape, one of the best types to replace self harm." Rocky says placing 2 large rolls in the basket.

"So here's what you do. Tear off 10 pieces, put where you normally cut, tear them off one at a time. No scars but same feeling." Rocky says.

"I have a question?" Dino asks quietly, as they check out their items. Rocky hums in return. "I hope you don't mind me asking and all, but I was wondering, do you suffer from mental illnesses?" He asked.

  "I suffer from PTSD and depression." Rocky says, without hesitation.

  "Do you use all these methods to stop panic attacks or self harm?" Dino asked, curiosity getting the best of him sometime.

  "Not normally, I'm actually on meds." Rocky sighs pulling his pill bottle out of his bag.

  "And I want to thank you, for helping me with all of this, I do struggle with keeping this a secret from my friends. So it feels good to have someone to talk to." Dino says.

  "Ofcourse, I'm always here to talk, call if ever need something." Rock says as they exchange warm smiles.

Happy Birthday DINO!

Happy Birthday DINO!

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Bad Boy ~ Jeongcheol Where stories live. Discover now