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"Seungcheol wtf did you do?" Joshua asks after school as the older was about to leave, Seungcheol turned to be face with a very angry and frustrated Hong Jisoo.

"Uhhh what do you mean?" Seungcheol asked as Jisoo just groaned louder, he grabbed Seungcheol's sleeve and started dragging him. "Get in the car." Jisoo says as he gets into the driver side.

"Are kidnaping me?" Seungcheol asked as he still got in. Jisoo didn't seem like the type to kidnapp people unless their being unholy and he plans to tie them down and read them the entire bible.

"Jeonghan is in the hospital." Joshua whispers but Seungcheol heard him loud and clear. "What?" Seungcheol gasped, his head filled with as many reasons why and what happened but it all lead back to one thing.

It was all his fault.

"I'm so sorry, Jisoo I am. I didn't mean to! I swear." Seungcheol was just rambling multiple apologies as he could before Jisoo told him to shut the hell up.

They soon arrive at the Seoul Hospital as they basically sprint to the front desk Seungcheol tripping over his own feet. "Where here to see Yoon Jeonghan." Jisoo says when Seungcheol couldn't even form words.

The nurse kindly told them he was in room 317. The minutes they got there Jisoo ran in and hugged Mrs. Yoon. Seungcheol couldn't even enter the room, he did catch a glimpse of Jeonghan.

The sight of him strapped up to all these machines made Seungcheol want to cry, to scream. To beg for forgiveness, he just wants Jeonghan to be ok.

Slowly Seungcheol backed away unnoticed until he was outside the hospital, he didn't exactly know how to get home but he couldn't just take Jisoo's car.

He was walking along side the highway when he broke down. "What have I done." He sobs into his hand as he crashed to his knees. He wasn't the type to pray, but today he prayed so much.

For Jeonghan to wake up. For Jeonghan to be ok.

Bad Boy ~ Jeongcheol Where stories live. Discover now