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  "Their fu*king aren't they?" The8 suggested to a stressed out Joshua. Jeonghan never showed up to class this morning. And also wasn't answering his phone.

   And last time this happened, Jeonghan was in the hospital for a drug overdose. So ofcourse Joshua was a bit nervous. It also dawned upon him that Seungcheol also wasn't here.

  "I don't know." Joshua says as the bell rings signifying that lunch time was over and it was time for class to start soon. Joshua tried contacting Mrs. Yoon asking if she knew the whereabouts of the 2. She only said I don't know.

  Joshua was so focused on texting that it didn't occur how long he was actually on his phone. Until the teacher called him out. "Mr. Hong, what could be more immport, than what I'm teaching?" The teacher asks

  Joshua was left speechless. He tried to explain what was going on but know words left his mouth. The teacher reached under her and pulled out a plastic bin, the phone box.

  Joshua then felt something fall into his lap, he looked down to see it was a phone. It was Dk's, "Give mine to her." He whispers to Joshua who finally understood what Dk was saying.

  When the teacher finally reached him, Joshua slowly put Dk's phone in the box.  "Thank you so much." Joshua whispered  to Dk who nodded with a smile. "Ofcourse, it's not a big deal." Dk said.

  "It means a lot." Joshua says at they return back into the lesson. Soon the bell rang and the teacher handed Joshua the phone back.

  "Normally I'd keep it the whole day, but your a good kid Jisoo. Just please don't let this happen again." She said and Joshua nodded. "It won't, don't worry." He bows as he takes the phone.

  Joshua grabbed his bag and rushed out of the classroom. He immediately looked around hoping to find which ways Dk went. He heard someone clear their throat, Joshua turns to come face to face with Dk.

  "I-I-I uhhh I have your phone." Joshua says holding out the phone. Dk took it and smiled. "Thanks!" He said. "Thank you for saving me back then." Joshua smiled.

  "Also, Seungcheol texted me saying that he and Jeonghan called in sick and  supposedly going to Daegu for the weekend, so there your answer to where Jeonghan went." Dk says.

  "Ok perfect, thank you." Joshua smiles as the 2 part ways to go to their separate classes.


  After school Joshua called Dino. "Hey Hyung, wassup?" Dino's voice rang through the calls. Joshua just sighs as he bites his tounge out of habit while trying to think of what to say.

"We have a problem." Joshua says.

  "Good thing, I'm already here." Dino voice pops up behined Joshua scaring the older. Dino however ended up with a bruised arm from how many times he was punched by Joshua.

  "What's the problem." Dino asked and Joshua bit his tounge again as he ran his hand through his hair in frustration.

  "Remember the promise I made to myself, when I first met Dk?" Joshua asked and Dino nodded, how could he forget, he knew it wouldn't last forever.

  "I didn't wanna fall, not at all. But at some point he smiled and, holy sh*t I blew it." Joshua groaned

   "Oh I knew that, you broke that promise a LONG time ago." Dino snickered.

Bad Boy ~ Jeongcheol Where stories live. Discover now