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  Jeonghan finally reached the house and opened the front, not really expecting the front door to actually be unlocked. This house was huge. And he hated it.

  "WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN?" Jeonghan heard his father shout. "I walked here." Jeonghan mumbled quietly refusing to look at his father.

"Just get out of my face. JeonKymn show him to his room." His father snapped. JeonKymn rolled her eyes and sighed loudly.

"Fineeee. Follow me." She drags out as she walks up the stairs. I follow after her, mumbling curses now and then. "He doesn't think I'm that f**king dumb does he?" I whisper to myself.

The room JeonKymn brought me too, which supposedly my new room, was actually was 'decorated' with PILES of makeup. "Oh sorry, I'll get rid of this." JeonKymn sassed. As she subtly checked  out her butt in the full length mirror.

"You call that an ass. We call that silicone." Jeonghan scoffed and JeonKymn looked shocked and slightly offended. Jeonghan however couldn't keep his angry words to himself anymore.

  JeonKymn took her makeup and walked away but Jeonghan followed her out. "All the makeup in the world won't make you less insecure." Jeonghan said, he didn't know where his words were going but he had just kinda snapped at one point.

JeonKymn dropped the makeup on the floor and spun around to face Jeonghan, her eyes held fury. "You got weights in your pockets when you go to the doctor's." She says jabbing Jeonghan in the chest.

Despite being a bit worried, Jeonghan didn't back down from his sister.  But did start walking backwards as JeonKymn continued to walk forwards to Jeonghan.

  "Your favorite candy's cotton, that's why all your teeth are rotten!" She snapped and Jeonghan glared at her.

"Silly girl." Jeonghan glared at her.

"We're silly boy." She glared back and Jeonghan slammed the door right in JeonKymn face. Falling on the bed, not planning on leaving this room any time soon.

But it was not like he was aloud to anyways.


Bad Boy ~ Jeongcheol Where stories live. Discover now