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Telling the boys was easier than The8 thought. They completely understood and supported him the whole time. "Hyung you know we love you, of course we're going to help you as much as you need." Seungkwan said hugging The8.

"Group hug!" Dk said as they all fell onto the couch hugging eachother, the couch nearly falling backwards. "Awe I love you guys!" The8 smiled as he wiped his tears.

"Hey I got a crazy idea." Wonwoo said a grin on his face. "Let's take a road trip. I know this path we can drive the truck down. Across this field there is another whole city I want to get too!" Wonwoo said dreamily.

Seungcheol and Jeonghan look at eachother, communicating telepathically before nodding. "Grab
the keys. Let's do it!" He said as Wonwoo jumped up cheering.

They all piled in the truck, Mingyu driving with Wonwoo in the passenger seat navigating. 6 of them in the back seat. Woozi sitting on Hoshi's lap, The8 on Jun's, and Seungkwan on Vernon's.

Which left the Jeongcheol couple, the Seoksoo couple and Dino in the bed of the truck which Mingyu thankfully got covered with a coverup top.

"This is as far as the truck can travel by wheels." Mingyu said turning to Wonwoo who stepped out of the truck to look out of the distance.

"Than we go by foot." Mingyu shrugged as they all exited the truck and looked across the field that was between them and the field.

"LETS RUNNNN!" Hoshi shouted as he and Dk sprinted off, dragging Wonwoo along with them as they ran through the field.

"I don't think I've seen Wonwoo this excited with Hoshi and Dk." Vernon said as he carried Seungkwan on his back. "Its nice seeing him happy." Seungkwan smiled softly.

They walked and talked about any random thing as the sun went down causing the sky to bleed into a pretty orange.

"Does anyone have anyone have plans for college?" Jeonghan asked as he walked along side Seungcheol swinging their hands together.

"Me and Jun have been thinking about returning back to China for school." The8 admitted and they all look at them.

"We found a modeling art school, since Jun wants to train for being a model and I want to study fashion and photography." The8 said.

"Well as long as we all can meet up for holidays, vacations and birthdays I'm fine with us traveling off to school." Dino said.

"I'm thinking about studying in law." Wonwoo said as Mingyu snorted at Wonwoo's statement. "Your one to talk Mr. 'I wanna go into business'." Wonwoo scrunched his nose up.

"Business and Law? Y'all are gonna be a complete power couple!" Joshua said as they all sat down on the grass and watched the sun set down.

They planned on heading back to the truck later that night and spending the night there and then exploring the city in the morning for breakfast.

However on their walk back when they heard sirens as they watched multiple cop cars pull up to them. "You all are trespassing on private property." The cop said as all their eyes widen.

"You all are under arrest."

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