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Joshua indeed fallen alseep at the train station. Dk reached him first, and crouched down infornt of the older. The position he fell alseep in looked very uncomfortable.

"Hey, Joshua it's me Dk, are you okay? Can you hear me?" Dk asked taking Joshua's hand in his and giving it a squeeze, fearing that he could either be alseep of unconscious.

Dk didn't get a response but he did feel Joshua squeeze his hand back in return. "Ok I think he's just alseep." Dk sighed in relief, Seungkwan and Vernon also sighing in relief. Glad that their friend wasn't hurt.

"So what do we do now?" Vernon asked, Dk looked at the time. It was almost 9:30 and they did still have school tomorrow.

"His parents think he's at my house so I'll just take him there, and bring him back to his place in the morning." Dk concluded.

"You don't have a car." Vernon cut in.

"I'll figure something out. The worst thing is, he wears something of mine." Dk added as he put one arm around Joshua's shoulders and one other his legs. Lifting him up to carry him bridal style.

The car ride to Dk's house was short from the train station. "Thank you so much Seungkawn. I owe you one." Dk said and Seungkawn nodded.

"Any time. And take care of him." Seungkwan pointed to the sleeping male in Dk's arms. "Of course." Dk nodded.

"Thanks Vern good luck!" Dk waved as he walked up the steps to his house.

Vernon was curious to why Dk wished him luck. Then he realized he was all alone in the car with Seungkwan. Seungkwan must have realized it too.

"There is duct tape in the glove box, so I swear to tangerines if you say, even one stupid, awkward attempt at flirting. I will tape your mouth shut." Seungkwan said and Vernon only nodded.


Dk woke up to no one next to him. Yes yes, he shared the bed with Joshua but made a wall of pillows just so nothing bad would happen.

Dk looked around and found Joshua sitting on the edge of the bed, his face hidden in his knees, as he was curled into a little ball.

"Why are you all the way over there. I made us a wall of PILLOWS, just so you wouldn't have to worry about moving or getting to close!" Dk said. But calmed down his tone when he saw Joshua was crying.

"Hey. What's wrong?" Dk asked softly as he scooted over next to him. Dk stiffened in shock when Joshua threw himself onto Dk in a hug.

"I don't know what to do." Joshua cried as Dk rubbed Joshua's back in comfort, he knew what was going on. Seungcheol told him about Jeonghan leaving. Which must have broke Joshua's heart.

"Shhhh. It's ok." Dk whispered. "Knowing Jeonghan, he would want you to be strong for him. And not to let this bring you down to rock bottom." Dk said.

Dk was still in shock, he'd never thought he'd see the day, Joshua would break down crying.

"Am I actually at your house?" Joshua changed the subject. Dk sighed but nodded.

"Yeah we brought you here, after your mom called me, saying you were supposed to be at my house. So then me and Vernon tracked down Seungkwan to help find you. And we found you sleeping on the bench at the train station." Dk lectured.

"Sorry for being that big of a pain." Joshua sighed. Dk just shook his head and whipped Joshua's tears off his cheeks.

"Your not a pain Joshua." Dk said

Joshua was going to say something then, something hit him. "Joshua?? How'd you know that? You used to call me Jisoo?" Joshua asked.

"I don't know. I guess Joshua just stuck. And what about you, you apparently stopped calling me Seokmin and started calling me Dk?" Dk fired back.

"I guess nicknames just stick better." Joshua said leaning over to see Dk's clock. It was almost 6am. "Come on. We do have to get ready soon." Joshua groaned.

"Ok do you want one of my hoodies. I'll probably have one that'll fit you." Dk said standing up but before he could take one step. Joshua grabbed his hand pulling him back.

Joshua kissed his cheek.

"Thank you for everything." Joshua mumbled as he tried to hide his blush. While Dk looked at him in shock.

That really just happened!

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