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"DAMN DINO!" They all applauded thier makanae who blushed in embarrassment at all the attention even though everyone knew he love it.

"Ok I hate to be a debby downer, but is that, the hui guy from the cafeteria?" Mingyu points out immediately wrapping his arms around Wonwoo.

"Stop, right there." Seungkwan sighed pushing Hui back by his shoulder. "I may not know much about you. Except your a fucking problem and your just like the San but from Cube." Seungkwan sassed.

  "Why such the bad attitude. Is it such a crime to see some friends?" Hui asked adjusting his tie. "If you honestly still think we are still your friend. Your more crazy than we thought." Wonwoo said.

Hui ignored him as his eyes trailed over Seungkwan, looking at him head to toe

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Hui ignored him as his eyes trailed over Seungkwan, looking at him head to toe. "You know, despite your young age, your pretty cute." Hui winked.

  "Back the fuck hui, he's mine and you know that." Vernon said pulling Seungkwan into his arms. Hui just shrugged innocently.

Woozi was fed up of all these asshole showing up out of the dang ground, here to ruin his day and their fun. So he was ready to fight hui just like san.

  However Hoshi held him back this time before he could do anything, but that still didn't pass by hui.

"Trying to put on another show are we?" Hui asked taking another step closer. "Come on, show me what your precious little body can do again. Last time was very fun." Hui smirked.

  Woozi went dead quite.

They all looked at Woozi, excepting for him to burst out into a fight, to yell, to do anything, but they all saw him freeze in place.

  Woozi stumbled back into Hoshi's arms as his body began trembling. "Dude what the fuck!" Hoshi yells at Hui trying to calm down Woozi

  Hui was about to say another thing, but someone came and picking him off the ground by his neck.

"Explain to me why this is the 2nd time I'm seeing you here at school? Don't you still belong at that shithole cube?" Yanan asked as Hui looked at him in shock.

  "And plus, why are you still bugging them, you've already fucked their lives up. AND YOU'VE ALMOST GOT THEM ALL KILLED AT MORE THAN ONCE!" Yanan yelled.

"He almost killed them?" Dino asked.

  "Yeah, Hoetaek why don't you tell their boyfriends how you messed with so many people." Yanan spat, as Hui stayed silent.

  "Well for starters. You have thrown Seungcheol through multiple windows." Yanan started

"Sent people to ambush Jun."

"Almost got Dk arrested."

"Told Wonwoo's dad that Wonwoo was gay."

"You heavily drugged Vernon at a party."

"And you practically rapped Woozi!"

"And to top it off. I fucking dated you while all of it was happening and you never told me shit. Then has the nerve to dump me and then literally dump me on the side of the road on a highway!" Yanan yelled throwing Hui to the ground.

  "So please, for the love of god. Stay away from all of us. Or I will get the authorities involved." Yanan threatened.

So without a word Hui got up and walked away. He didn't get far before Hoshi had ran up and kicked him in the head.

"That for rapping my boyfriend." He spat as Mingyu decided to join, he grabbed hui by the collar as he punched him in face.

  "That's for making my boyfriends life hell."

  The8 joined as he kicked Hui straight in the shins hard. "That's for trying to ambush Jun."

  Seungkwan kneed him right in the crotch. "That for drugging my boyfriend."

Joshua surprisingly punched him in the face. "That's for almost getting my boyfriend arrested."

  Jeonghan kneed him hard in the gut, knocking probably every last gust of wind out of his body "That's for hurting my boyfriend and my family." He said letting Hui fall to the ground unconscious.

  "Damn, I need a drink." Seungcheol sighed.

  "Make that 2." Wonwoo added.

  "Make that like 7." Dk groaned as they all decided to put the recent scene behind them and headed inside.

It was prom after all!

Ok I promise! No more bad guys.

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