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  That afternoon Jeonghan was sitting up in his room reading, when he thought he heard a thumping noise, at first he didn't pay attention to it. Until he heard another louder thump and; "JEONGHAN OPEN THE DAMN DOOR!"

  Jeonghan races down the stairs and opens his front door to see a pile of books and papers fall at his feet. "UGHHHHHHH." He hears Seungcheol groans. Earlier that day at school Seungcheol assured Jeonghan he could do his own work.

  "I tried. Didn't go so well." He sighed with a small smile. Jeonghan laughed slightly as he bent down and picked up the textbooks and set them down on the table. Seungcheol following shortly after as he sorted out his papers.

   "A negative mind, will never give you a positive life." Jeonghan lectures. Seungcheol just rolled his eyes. It wasn't completely stupid that he had showed up to Jeonghan's.

  He could easily do the work by himself. Except for the fact he's spent his school years never caring, and never actually doing work. For Seungcheol it's hard to forget his old ways while trying to stay focused while working.
   "Can we go one day, without you saying some smartass comment, that is supposed to make my life 'easier' please." Seungcheol rolled his eyes.

Jeonghan scanned over the papers, scanning every inch of work. "You did it." He said to Seungcheol with a smile. Seungcheol just looked at him confused. "Huh?"

  "Everything is correct." Jeonghan smiled and Seungcheol shot up, eyes wide in shock. "It is?!" He gasped looking at the paper for himself, as if he could tell that everything was correct.

  "I guess my lessons payed off." Jeonghan laughed and Seungcheol joined in. "Don't doubt yourself so much, you got this." Jeonghan says playfully punching Seungcheol's shoulder.

  "Thanks." Seungcheol says. "On a better note. You wanna stay for a movie?" Jeonghan asked, and Seungcheol thought about it. He did run here so he had no way to get home other than walk.

  "I have Disney +." Jeonghan smirks and Seungcheol's head snaps up. Well it wasn't exactly Jeonghan's, he is using a shared account with Joshua.

  "I mean, if it's not that big of a problem." Seungcheol says already taking his shoes off as he face plants onto Jeonghan's couch. "Make yourself comfy I guess." Jeonghan laughs grabbing the remote.

  "I'm thinking a Hsm marathon." Jeonghan says. And Seungcheol looks at him confused again. "What's Hsm?" He asked and Jeonghan looked at him in shock.
  "Highschool musical?! You've never heard of one of the greatest musical series ever?!" Jeonghan asked and Seungcheol shook his head again and Jeonghan let out a loud dramatic gasp.

"As Seungkwan would say; Buckle the fuck up and prepare for a long ass marathon while we eat icecream you 'ignorant little shit!'" Jeonghan laughs as he turns on his tv.

  This was going to be one fun night.

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