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  Vernon watched Seungkwan and Dino enter the school. He doesn't know what it is about Seungkwan that intrigued him so much. But Vernon knew one thing, he wasn't giving up.

  "You know staring isn't going to help your case here hyung." Dino said as he magically appeared out of nowhere, scaring the crap outta Vernon.

  "How do I get him to not want smack me with a 4,000 page checkbook?" Vernon asked and Dino laughed and slapped a hand on the olders shoulder.

  "Trust me Vernon, I've known Seungkwan for years, and it's safe to say. He already likes you." Dino whispers and Vernon's eyes widen.

  "What do you mean?!" Vernon asked and Dino just laughed.

"He doesn't say, 'I love you' like a normal person. Instead, he'll laugh, shake his head, give you a little smile, and say 'your an idiot'. And if he tells you your an idiot, you are a lucky man."  Dino smiled as he walked away.

  Seungkwan then popped up a second later. "Why are we staring at your locker like it's the portal to pizza land?" Seungkwan whispered.

  "Uhhh. Idk." Vernon whispered as the 2  burst into laughter.

"Good morning Hansol." Seungkwan smiled as he turned to face the younger.

"How'd you know my first name?" Vernon rose an eyebrow at Seungkwan who only shrugged with a sly smirk. "Me, Jeonghan, and Joshua are on a first name basis with the principle. So what, did you expect me to not look through your guys files?" Seungkwan asked.

  "Wow." Was all Vernon could say, this felt like some unreal book or movie scene. And Vernon just said the dumbest thing.

  "Well goodmorning. And just incase no one has reminded you, nice butt and your doing great." Vernon threw a thumbs up towards the other.

"Oh my god. Is this you trying to flirt with me?" Seungkwan laughed and Vernon shook his head.

  "I don't need to flirt, I will seduce you with my awkwardness." Vernon said and Seungkawn just rolled his eyes.

"Your an idiot."

  It took Vernon to recover from shock, based off of what Dino told him. "I'm not an idiot, I just have really fantastic bad ideas, and say bad things at the wrong time." Vernon smiled.

  "You know, you should show your true smile, I've seen your fake one and this one suits you better." Seungkwan smiled as he walked away.

  "Wow." Vernon sighs before laughing soflty.

Bad Boy ~ Jeongcheol Where stories live. Discover now