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  "Why did you get so much food?" Jeonghan asks peering through the 20 bags of food Seungcheol brought. "Well I wanted to give you guys a little gift." Seungcheol said sheepishly.

  "Don't you think paying for my hospital bills was enough?" Jeonghan asked and Seungcheol shook his head. "That was partially my fault, so I thought I'd take responsibility." Seungcheol smiled.

  Jeonghan eventually kicked Seungcheol out to go home, since they have school tomorrow. "That boy is a sweetheart." His mother gushed.

  "Yeah he's a great friend." Jeonghan murmurs as he walks 5


   "Wow you look different." Jeonghan smiled when he saw Seungcheol the next morning. He had ditched all the black and edgy clothes and went for something more casual.

He wore, a dark blue and red sweater and Jean's, his shorter hair made it apparent at how wide and bright his eyes really were. "Is this a good idea?" Seungcheol asked.

 "Is this a good idea?" Seungcheol asked

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"Of course let's go." Jeonghan smiled as they grab there bags and head out to Jeonghan's car. "Dk left early because he has something planned for Joshua." Seungcheol explains and Jeonghan's eye  widen.

  "I swear he's gonna confess to Joshua!" Jeonghan squeals, it so obvious that Dk had a liking towards Joshua, and Jeonghan being Joshua's best friend since they were kids. He can easily see Joshua had a liking towards him.

  "Joshua!" Dk yelled after the boy right as he was leaving. "Oh hey Dk, you play?" Joshua asks motioning to the guitar Dk was holding along with a pile of music sheets.

  "No but you do. And I kinda need to film a video for music." Dk lied. "So you want me to play the guitar?" Joshua asked rising an eyebrow and Dk nodded desperately.

  "Yes! All you need to do is play the chords on this sheet and I'll sing. Plzzzz!" Dk begged and Joshua bit his cheek, it was hard to deny Dk's so called puppy eyes.

  "Fine." Joshua sighed as Dk cheered and dragged him to the empty music room. With nervous hands Dk set up his phone and hit record. He grabbed a mic and handed Joshua the sheets and hands him the guitar.

Joshua started playing the cords as Dk started singing. (These are the lyrics.)

"This isn't for a music project is it?" Joshua whispers as Dk slightly shook his head. "No, just for someone important." Dk smiled as Joshua's eye become wide and glossy.

   "And he's you." Dk spoke.

Bad Boy ~ Jeongcheol Where stories live. Discover now