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  Before they went to the karaoke, Seungcheol made them rent out a hotel room, so they could drop their bags off so they wouldn't be lugging their backpacks around all night.

  "Here we are." Seungcheol says as they approach a neon light building, Jeonghan hasn't been to many Karaoke places, only a few times with Seungkwan and Joshua.

  But this looked exactly what a karaoke place would look like. They got inside, signed their names and rented a room. "Is it just me, or does everything taste better in Daegu?" Jeonghan asked sipping the drinks they where brought.

  "I don't know, things just taste like food." Seungcheol shrugs with a chuckle. "What song should we do first?" Seungcheol asked turning back to the screen.

  "OH THAT ONE!" Jeonghan yells pointing to the song 'Wouldn't change a thing.' It was sung by Demi Lovato and Joe Jonas.

  "This is the one from camp rock 2, right?" Seungcheol asked and Jeonghan nodded,  but then quickly snapped his head back to Seungcheol so fast.

  "Wait hol up?! So your implying that you have heard of the damn Camp rock series. But not Highschool musical?!?!?!?" Jeonghan yelled and Seungcheol laughed and nodded.

They pressed accept on the song and grabbed their mics.

(Seungcheol is bold)
(Jeonghan is normal font)
(Together is underline)
(I'm just including the main part of the song)



We're face to face

But we don't see eye to eye

Like fire and rain

(Like fire and rain)

You can drive me insane

(You can drive me insane)

But I can't stay mad at you for anything


  The 2 turned and stared at eachother as they sang that line, Jeonghan smiled and was the first to break the eyecontat as he turned back to the screen.

  After that song, they decided to take a drink break, then in return, Jeonghan made them sing nearly every Hsm song that was available.

  They then decided to take turns on singing songs. "Let's do this category!" Jeonghan says clicking the box with the title. "Friendzone"

(This was Jeonghan's song)

Seungcheol was still shocked at how the younger sang, that he didn't want to even go up, and sing. "Do I have to sing?" He asked and Jeonghan nodded with a deadpan expression.

Seungcheol sighed and got off the neon purple couch and scrolled throuth the list until he found a song he liked.

"Wow, I'm speechless." Jeonghan said when Seungcheol finished.

Seungcheol checked the time and panicked. "We got to hurry, I wanna show you something!" He said.

Bad Boy ~ Jeongcheol Where stories live. Discover now