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  Days went by and Seungcheol felt terrible, it wasn't a cold, or a fever. Or any other sicknesses, recorded in some book. Well he never really read books on sickness but you get the point right?

He missed Jeonghan.

  And since the younger had been gone, the more he saw couples around him, and it made him jealous that he couldn't be all cute and affectionate with his own boyfriend.

  "Hey Coups you ok?" Woozi asked jogging to catch up to the older who was walking more faster along side the trail that they use to get to school faster.

  "Have you ever had those days when you are holding a stick, and everybody looks like a pinata?" Seungcheol groaned as he picked up a random stick only to toss it far away.

   "All the time." Woozi chuckles


  "Hey! Blueberry boy!" Vivio shouts as she waltzes over to Seungkwan who was busy going through his locker and paid no attention to the annoying girl.

  "Excuse me?! I'm talking to you!" Vivio shouts and Seungkawn groans knowing this annoying girl was NOT going to leave him alone.

  "No need to repeat yourself. I ignored you just fine the first time." Seungkwan said turning to face the girl with a fake smile plastered on his lips.

  "Ugh rude. Anyways do you know where myung-myung s?" She asked twirling her hair around her fingers. Seungkwan only rolled his eyes and tried not to gag at the straightness.

  "No I don't know where 'myung-myung' is." Seungkwan rolls his eyes and Vivio scoffed at Seungkwan's 'rudeness'.

"Wow someone's in a bad mood today." Vivio taunts as Seungkwan exhaled deeply. He pinched the bridge of his nose, trying not to whack that dumb bitch upside the head.

"I'm not in a bad mood, you are just annoying." Seungkwan clicks his tounge in annoyance. Vivio only fake gasps, which must I add, is also very annoying.

"I AM NOT ANNOYING! HOW COULD YOU SAY THAT?!" She screams and Seungkawn winces, talk about major voice crack.

  "Your face and voice annoy me." Seungkwan admits. "And don't stand to close to the heater sweetie, plastic melts and it's not a pretty smell." Seungkwan adds.

"How dare you try and insult me!" Vivio yelled. At this point Seungkwan was questioning life. Why was this girl still here?!

"Bitch, I'm not insulting you, I'm describing you!" Seungkwan fired back.

"Ugh, I hate people like you! Thinking they are so cool, and they can just say anything they want, to anyone they want!" Vivio fires.

  "And oh you hate me? Join the club! There are weekly meeting's at the corner of f*ck you street and kiss my damn ass blvd." Seungkwan smirks slamming his locker shut as he walked away.

"Hey, you okay?" Vernon asked walking up to Seungkwan hesitantly, he just watched Choi Vivio try and battle the Boo Seungkwan.

"Yeah it's all peachy. Shit happens, I mean... look at her face." Seungkwan points out and Vernon tires to stifle back a laugh.

"Sorry, sarcasm falls out of my mouth, like stupidity falls out of yours." Seungkwan smirks as he throws the door open to his class.

"HEY! THAT'S MEAN!" Vernon shouts back, only to hear Seungkwan laughing in the distance.


Trying to write a book without the main character seemed hard


Then I realized.

All hail VERKWAN AND (soon) MEANIE!

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