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"Dino what's going on?" Jeonghan asked softly, Dino just started down at his marked wrists. He was getting better he thought, he thought he didn't need anymore help.

"I'm scared." Dino whispers. "I'm so busy helping others with their lifes. I'm too afraid to ask for help in my own life." Dino said.

"I've haven't thought killing myself since I met Rocky." Dino admitted. He could see the sadness and worry in Jeonghan's eyes.

  "Dino I want to tell you something. It doesn't matter wether you thought of killing yourself 1 month ago or last night. You should always tell us, I know it's hard, but we care about you." Jeonghan said taking

  "We would miss you. And yes all those fucking bullies who torment us all would make those sappy posts about what a great person you were." Jeonghan rolled his eyes.

"And suicide is a permanent solution to a temporary problem." Dino murmurs. "Of course you know that! Anyone and everyone has been shoving that down our throats ever since we knew what the word suicide ment." Jeonghan said.

"Those slogans might have lost their meaning but anything that keeps you alive Dino, it's worth saying." Jeonghan says resting his hand on Dino's cheek.

"So you gotta promise me, you live until you've finish your shampoo and conditioner at the same time. Until Doctor Who is finally cancelled. Unti you find me the perfect pasta recipe." Jeonghan said.

  "I will keep coming up with reasons and I need you to hear them all. Dino, please, stay, I love you too much." Jeonghan wipes his tears. "Your so important, to me, to us all." Jeonghan choked out.

"Hyung, even without me, the world will keep spinning." Dino sighed looking at the ground. Jeonghan grabbed the youngers face, making him look at him again.

"Yes it will, but think of all you'll miss. All the sunsets, all the parties, the stories Seungkwan and Joshua tell. Shopping with Mingyu and The8. Dance practice with Hoshi. And all the memories we made with Seungcheol and his group." Jeonghan said.

"I don't need you to see it, But I want you to always give yourself one more day. Even if it takes 10 thousand of those 'One more days' for you too truly say 'I can't wait for tomorrow'." Jeonghan said honestly.

"I just need you too believe you can make it. Because we all believe you can, but we need you to also believe." Jeonghan said breaking down in tears.

"Jeonghan." Dino said immediately hugging Jeonghan who couldn't stop crying. "I'm sorry, I'm so sorry I left you Dino." Jeonghan sighed.

"None of this is your fault! None of it! So please don't blame yourself." Dino begged as he pulled away, tears of his own streaming down his face.

"I'm going to get better, I promise. And like the saying goes, It's just a few bad days. Not a bad life." Dino smiled.

Bad Boy ~ Jeongcheol Where stories live. Discover now