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5 years later!

All 13 of the boys still kept in contact all throughout college, the one and only time they slipped out of talking was during senior finals.

But once they all graduated, their time of talking grew stronger as they all nailed solid and perfect jobs. Seungcheol and Jeonghan becoming a rapper and singer duo and the same with Dk and Joshua.

Seungkwan was ecstatic when Wonwoo announced he was officially a lawyer, and Mingyu was now a young and hot CEO of his new company that empathized greatly on male cosmetics.

And speaking of Seungkwan right after college he and one of his new friends were both head MC hosts of the New York variety show 'Hotter and Stronger."

Vernon just like Seungcheol became a self producing rapper. He has however expressed his jealousy for his boyfriend great communication skills.

Jun and The8 both actually work for Mingyu's company. Jun is a model and The8 is one of the highest ranked photographer.

No surprise, Hoshi became a choreographer and Woozi became producer. Both famously working toghter.

Dino moved on from college to become a therapist and his roommate Samuel became a doctor.

Now, after many years. All 13 of them were back in Seoul for a reunion.

"Can't this thing go any faster?" Dino asked clinging onto the waist of his friend Sameul. Instead of renting a car like a normal person.

Samuel rented a moped scooter, not only was it small but it was slow. "Sorry! I didn't know the speed of these things when I rented it!" Samuel went full throttle on the gas.

"Ok pull over I'm running to the park." Dino sighed as he repeatedly slapped Samuel's shoulder. "Wait! Dino your helmet!" Sameul called after the boy.

"Who cares if I trip and fall I'll atleast have head protection!" Dino yells back as he waves off to his friend.


"Mingyuuuuu!" Jeonghan yelled jumping into the tallers arms as Mingyu spun them around in circles. "I haven't see you in forever!" He shouted.

"I HAVE ARRIVED!" Seungkwan yelled as he and the other immediately get up as the all tightly hugged the 2. "I've missed this." Seungkwan smiled as he sat next to Jeonghan and Seungcheol.

"Damn I guess the 2 acutal famous ones get no attention?" The8 asked as he and Jun joined the circle.

"Junnn!" Wonwoo yelled tackling the boy into the hug. "I missed you too Wonwoo." Jun grunted as he tried to get up, but Wonwoo wasn't helping that much.

"And what do you mean the 2 actual famous ones. You work for this nut brain. I wouldn't call you famous." Woozi sneered.

"Hey I'm not a nut brain! And no need to brag on the fact your a producer now." Mingyu scoffed.

"Awee but it's such a good thing to brage about, especially when you got a hot Choreographer boyfriend." Hoshi smirked

"Hot Choreographer boyfriend? Where can I get on of those. Because right now I'm stuck with a crazy dancer who thinks he's a tiger." Woozi teased as he kissed Hoshi's cheeks.

"I'm kidding, I love you." Woozi smiled leaning his head on Hoshi lap as he rolled his eyes but returned his boyfriend I love you with repeating it back.

"HYUNGSSSS!" Dino yells leaping into the middle of the circle. Smearing his white coat with grass stains

"Wow you really are a cliche therapist. And since when did you start wearing glasses?" Wonwoo asked handing the glasses to the makanae.

"Since I realized how much tiny font I had to read. And my vision is not as good as I thought it was." Dino sighed as he sat down next to Vernon.

As they caught up on how they've been over the past few months since all 13 have seen eachother all toghter.

"Josh why do you have your guitar?" Hoshi asked seeing the black sleek guitar case with the word SEOKSOO carved into the leather.

"Well actually I needed to record something with Dk, and I thought when is the better time than with my lovely friends to be our audience!" Joshua laughs.

"A new song cover? Right now? You didn't tell me about this?" Dk said. "I haven't even had time to read the lyrics!" Dk added.

"Its fine, I'll play the melody. You match the pitch." Joshua said handing his phone to Jeonghan. "Can you record this? I need to send it in soon." Joshua said and Jeonghan nodded.

"Shua these are all in English?" Dk whined but Joshua flashed him the look and Dk smiled back at him, knowing better than too argue with Joshua about music.

Both of them stood in the circle as Joshua grabbed his guitar and strummed to first beginning notes to the song, Dk immediately catching on to the tone and pitch.

"Romeo save me I've been feeling so alone
I keep waiting for you but you never come
Is this in my head? I don't know what to think
He knelt to the ground and pulled out a ring.
And said."

Dk may not have completely understood what the song ment, but he gasped as he saw Joshua get down on one knee as he continued singing the verse.

"Marry me Dokie

You'll never have to be alone
I love you and that's all I really know
I talked to your mom, go pick out a black suit
It's a love story baby just say 'Yes'"

Joshua set down his guitar and pulled out a black box that held a silver diamond ring.

"Seokmin, I love you so much. Will you make me the happiest man ever, and Marry me?" Joshua asked tearing pouring down his face.

"Oh my god! Yes omg yes!" Dk cried out as Joshua slid the ring on his finger. "I love you so much." Dk sobbed as Joshua pulled him into a loving kiss.

"WHAT. JUST. HAPPENED?!" Seungkwan yelled as he was crying himself, digging his nails into Vernon's arm.

"THIS VIDEO BETTER GO VIRAL!" Jeonghan yelled handing the phone back to Joshua "Congratulations Shua." Jeonghan hugged his bestfriend.

"I- did- wh-" Dk was still in shock as he looked around at the others for some sort of conformation.

"You my friend are engaged." Hoshi said slapping a hand on Dk's shoulder. "Woah." Was all Dk could as he smiled at all of them.

"I'M. GETTING. MARRIED!!" He yelled excitedly.

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