Bonus 4 (Birthday Special)

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Seungcheol's pov

Og date is his 25th birthday.

Today was my birthday, or at least I think it was. On your birthday your supposed to be hanging out with your friends and family showered with gifts and food.

But no, right now I'm all alone in Jeonghan and I's house, sitting on my couch, watching 101 dalmatians while eating ramen.

Jeonghan woke me up with singing happy birthday and plenty of kisses but apparently he had to leave to go down to the cafe because they apparently packed.

Joshua was down there as well, yeah they were that packed, on my own birthday. At least he shot me a text. And Dk promised he would stop by late tonight if he can close the karaoke bar early enough.

Jun also sent me a video of him and The8 wishing me a happy birthday. They were still in China because The8 has a meeting with his client for another branch of clothing.

Mingyu and Wonwoo were flying out to Austria for a meeting about the company, despite my pleads for Wonwoo to stay home so he could be here with me, no luck.

Seungkwan and Vernon were both in New York because Seungkwan has a show episode to film but he promised to mention me and my birthday on live tonight so that's a plus.

Hoshi and Woozi have lessons for an upcoming performance the kids have been working really hard on but they called me early this

Anddddd to top it off Dino is doing doctor things in who knows where. I got a gift basket from him a few days ago full of a bunch of my favorite things.

So here I was alone, because I took the day off from work because I THOUGHT me and Jeonghan would be spending the day together.

"Your so depressing." I hear someone yell from outside, I look to my left to see my 3 co workers BM, Wonho, and Shownu outside.

I pull myself off the couch and open the door for them and let them inside. "Aren't you supposed to be at work?" I ask them as Wonho looks through our shoe rack.

"We closed the gym for today in honor of dragging you out of your misery." BM said as Wonho chucked me a pair of shoes and a jacket.

"So come on!" Shownu said grabbing my wrist and dragging me out to the car outside giving me no time to actually put on my shoes.

"Where are we going it's like 7:15am?!" I asked as BM got into the drivers seat. "Buckle up we got a long ride." Bm said as Shownu handed me a mini photo album.

"I literally don't trust any of you. Okay scratch that I don't trust BM." I say as BM fake gasps.

After 30 minutes we pull up to a mini shop. And I remember the events here perfectly. Dino had to drive down here to treat a patient, and on his way to crash here. His car broke down.

So I had to drive out here at 3am and pick him up. "What are we doing here?" I ask as Wonho hands me a envelope with my name on it.

I open it and inside was a letter and a picture of Dino.

I open it and inside was a letter and a picture of Dino

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